
Muslim Rape Gangs and Islam’s Pro-Rape Teachings

Stephanie Sinclair

Why are rape and sexual assault such a problem from Muslim migrants and jihadis? Because Islamic sacred texts have always not only justified but, in some cases, actively encouraged rape.

Women under Islamic law are not permitted to refuse the sexual advances of the men in their lives, and in some contexts — especially jihad or “holy war” — Muslim men are encouraged to have sex slaves. That’s on top of the harsh physical abuse endorsed against women. No wonder Muslim men have believed for over a thousand years that sexual assault can be not only moral but even an act of worship of Allah!

Multiple passages in the Quran and Hadith (sayings of Muhammed), Islam’s holy texts, and the Sirah (biographies of Muhammed), command or endorse outright evil. Westerners who refuse to recognize as much are delusional.

Quran 70:22-30 and 23:5,6 (among other verses) refer to the fact that Muslim men are allowed to have sex not only with their wives but also with their slaves. Those “who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and their slave girls, for these are lawful to them)” are praised. This is radically different from a Judeo-Christian view of sexual morality.

Furthermore, Quran 4:24 approves sex with slave girls (often referred to in Islam as “captives of the right hand”), apparently even if the women are already married: “And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess. It is a decree of Allah for you.” There are also multiple passages in the Bukhari hadith where Muhammed encourages his followers not only to have sexual relations with their slaves/captives, but specifically to impregnate them. And women, as I noted above, are not supposed to reject any sexual advances from their men. Thus, in many ways, rape is essentially institutionalized in Islam.

And pedophilia is also permitted to Muslim men. It’s no coincidence that so many victims of rape gangs are underage. Hadith and Sirah alike confirm that the “Prophet” Muhammed married Aisha when she was only six years old and that the marriage was consummated when she was nine (Muhammed was in his fifties). 

“[Hadith:] The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)” (Bukhari 7.62.88). Since then, a number of Islamic scholars have argued not only in defense of child marriage but even that there is no minimum age for a girl to be married; the latter, in fact, is not provided for in Islamic law. Even infants can therefore legally be “married” in Islam.

All of this is why Europe has long had such a problem with Muslim rape gangs, a problem that could soon plague America if we keep letting in endless streams of Muslim men as illegal aliens. 

The National Pulse reported Sept. 13:

Seven Muslim grooming gang predators have been sentenced for child sex abuse offenses against two girls in Rotherham, England. Their crimes date back to the 2000s, with many such groomers only being prosecuted years or decades after the fact. This is a result of Britain’s woke police forces, prosecutors, and child protective services being reluctant to pursue the predominantly Muslim, Pakistani-heritage offenders and neglecting their mostly white, working-class victims due to fears they would be accused of racism for taking action…

One survivor delivered a powerful victim impact statement, recounting the horrific abuse she endured from the age of 11. She revealed that she was forced to engage in sexual acts, groomed at school, and plied with drugs and alcohol. By age 16, she had been raped by over 150 men.

One of the men was convicted on eight counts of rape.

This is just one example of many, many Islamic rape gangs and sexual abusers. In Israel on Oct. 7, women were brutally raped to death. And the hard truth is that the Islamic religion has encouraged its adherents to spread rape and sexual assault around the world.


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