
Woke Cult: ‘European Christian Imperialism’ Is in Space

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

A crazy woke professor recently claimed that “Christian European imperialism” is ruining space because our astronauts and scientists don’t take native tribes’ beliefs about spirits living in space seriously. This highlights once again that wokeism isn’t just an ideology, it’s a quasi-religious cult.

We know from our brilliant VP Kamala Harris that “space is exciting” and it “affects us all,” but one gender studies and philosophy of science and religion professor has an even sillier perspective. Apparently anyone exploring Mars or the moon needs to pay homage to pagan native religions that believe space isn’t peopled by rocks, microbes, or even aliens, but by their ancestors’ spirits. Make an offering to Chief Pulpy Brain before taking that rock sample, you racist imperialist. Because leftists absolutely believe in a state religion — namely, their own insane ideology, which they must impose on everyone and everything.

The phrase “separation of church and state” never appears in the Constitution, because the Founding Fathers envisioned America as a Judeo-Christian nation, but the Founders certainly eschewed any concept of a “state religion.” They rightly argued that no man can be forced to believe something, even if he is forced to do something, and that we should all have freedom of religion — which, of course, is protected by the First Amendment.

That’s a constitutional right leftists are determined to destroy both online and offline, whether it’s through LGBTQ insanity, critical race theory, or even space exploration.

In fact, as we saw clearly during the Covid-19 pandemic and now with transgenderism and climate alarmism, leftists don’t want objective scientific research. They are far more determined to impose their religion on science than any religion ever was before. In the Judeo-Christian heritage, we know that science and religion can both be sources of truth that harmonize because both study God’s creation, but they are not one and the same study. Unless you’re a leftist ideologue.

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The College Fix reported on a professor who demands Christian and atheist scientists and astronauts surrender their beliefs and suborn their scientific research to the pagan religious beliefs of various tribes. You see, Wesleyan University Dean of Social Sciences Mary-Jane Rubenstein, who is both a “philosopher of science and religion” (whatever that means) and a faculty member of the Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, claims “many of the factors that drove European Christian imperialism” have been applied also in “high-speed, high-tech forms.”

Rubenstein wonders if “colonial practices” like “exploitation of environmental resources and the destruction of landscapes,” all “in the name of ideals such as destiny, civilization and the salvation of humanity,” will be part of man’s expansion into space… To her credit, Rubenstein notes that Mars Society President Robert Zubrin has made this exact case [there’s no other life in our solar system]… But Rubenstein … says various Indigenous beliefs “stand in stark contrast with many in the industry’s insistence that space is empty and inanimate.”

These include a group of Australian natives who say their ancestors “guide human life from their home in the galaxy” (and that artificial satellites are a danger to this “relationship”), Inuit who claim their ancestors actually live on “celestial bodies,” and Navajo who hold Earth’s moon as sacred.

Yes, and Muslims believe in having child brides. We’re not required to alter our lives and laws based on the beliefs of every religion on planet Earth. This is not racist, it’s just practical. Again, how does any of this improve science?

Apparently, Vox’s Sigal Samuel reported in reviewing Rubenstein’s work that “some believe these celestial bodies should have fundamental rights of their own.” Meanwhile, Rubenstein lectured, “Secular space enthusiasts do not need to agree that outer space is populated, animate or sacred in order to treat it with the care and respect Indigenous communities are requesting from the industry.” Go jump in a sacred lake, Rubenstein. And I’m willing to bet you don’t speak for all indigenous peoples, either.

Rubenstein is a perfect example of what’s wrong with academia and with the cultish left in general.


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