
Absurdity: Women’s College Taking Heat for Admitting Biological Women Only

AP Photo/Steve Helber, File

In the latest adventure down the rabbit hole of LGBTQ inanity, students at a women’s college are furious that the college will accept only … biological women. 

It’s disturbing that young, woke women don’t appreciate those who would protect them, instead lobbying for the mentally ill men whose play-acting at being women poses so many risks to them.

Sweet Briar College in Virginia now has the following requirement under its “Admissions Criteria”: “An applicant is qualified for admission if she confirms that her sex assigned at birth is female and that she consistently lives and identifies as a woman.” It’s incredibly sad that such a specification needs to be made (although the wording of “assigned at birth” is somewhat unfortunate); but, in this day and age, it’s all too necessary.

The female-only college did not, according to MRCTV, formerly have an official policy on applicants “identifying as other genders, but instead addressed applicants on a case-by-case basis.” 

But the logic doesn’t correlate with the institution’s base of screeching twenty-year-olds and their activist professors who believe the new rule “invalidates” the identities of “non-binary,” “transgender” and “gender non-conforming” students based on “narrow perspectives.”

That is how the school’s student government described the administration’s “alienating” step toward common sense… [a] mob of faculty members have now passed a resolution, pressuring the school to reverse the policy and “consider for admission” all applicants who “feel they belong in the community of a women’s college.” 

These woke women have everything to lose from having dudes in dresses on campus, and nothing to gain but leftist virtue points. There have been many cases over the years of biological men sexually harassing or raping or stalking women, taking advantage of their “transgender” identity to do so. 

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Even if they aren’t sexual harassers, these “transgenders” have serious mental issues. There’s been too many LGBTQ individuals in recent years who have become mass shooters — obviously a small minority of the whole group, but enough that we should be asking questions. If one shooter is allegedly a registered Republican, the media screeches that Republicans are violent, yet ignores a half dozen or more LGBTQ mass shooters.

Furthermore, on another point, Sweet Briar College has sports teams. Here is a very dangerous opening for biological males to injure women. According to, biological males have stolen 1055 medals, scholarships, or other sports awards that should have gone to women. Even worse, some female athletes have been severely injured and even paralyzed by biological males. How delusional is the Sweet Briar student government that they want to bring this nightmare to their college?

Fortunately, MRCTV reported, the Sweet Briar College president and chairwoman of the board are so far holding strong against the alphabet mob’s weeping and wailing. They wrote:

The College is in a unique position as the only women’s college in the country that was founded by and governed in accordance with a will that has been codified into law by the state’s legislature. Specifically, the College was founded in accordance with the Will of Indiana Fletcher Williams, which was codified by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia on February 9, 1901, as the College’s Charter. In more recent years, it was adherence to the Will that provided the legal avenue to save Sweet Briar from efforts to close it. Accordingly, the Board must honor the dictates of the Will, which imposes the requirement that the College be a place of “girls and young women” – a phrase that must be interpreted as it was understood at the time the Will was written.  

In other words, they need to adhere to basic facts of reality. Oh, the horror, the horror! Imagine letting reality and reason be the guidance for one’s college policies! It’s becoming far too atypical in modern America.


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