
Bidenomics Prices Speak Louder to Voters than Dem Propaganda

AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis, File

Americans are most worried about one issue: the economy. And despite the bogus polls claiming Kamala Harris is ahead of Donald Trump, and despite the fake abortion hype, high prices still speak more to Americans than leftist propaganda.

This is not a recommendation for Republicans to become complacent; but it is a warning against losing hope, and also a signpost showing where the GOP needs to go. Outreach to Americans of all demographics and backgrounds needs to happen, emphasizing Trump’s excellent economic record and Biden-Harris’s utterly catastrophic record. Don’t believe me? Look at the data.

Polling has consistently shown that economic issues are paramount for Americans, including usually left-leaning demographics. Newsweek reported on July 19 that 60% of their poll respondents put the economy as their main issue. And 48% of voters reported being worse off in the present compared to three years ago; only 29% said they were better off. I reported in June that support for Democrats hit a 20-year low among women voters, and that’s because of the economy. Notably, black and Hispanic women are most likely to prioritize inflation.

And Kamala is not a more popular candidate than Biden. In the key state of Texas, Kamala is even more unpopular than Joe Biden — and that was even before the disastrous presidential debate and Trump’s powerful actions after being shot. Even more damning, a June Politico/Morning Consult poll found only a third of voters believe Harris likely would win the presidential election, including three out of five Democrats and a quarter of independents.

And while Harris might receive a temporary polling bump now after Biden’s being booted, Donald Trump also received a boost after surviving an attempted assassination and after the inspiring Republican National Convention.

Fox Business covered new CNN polling data showing nearly four in 10 Americans — more than a third — are concerned about paying their bills. That’s significant because the current number of worried Americans, 39%, is greater than the number (37%) who were concerned about paying bills during the infamous Great Recession of 2008. And, let’s face it, CNN’s results are quite possibly lower than the real number; they have a habit of skewing left when conducting polls.

“We can talk all day about how inflation is moderating, but the cumulative impact of several years’ worth of inflation has done a number on household budgets,” admitted Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at Bankrate, to CNN Business. We don’t have to be told — we know how much more we are paying for basic necessities. Housing, gas, and groceries all shot up under Biden and Harris as real wages steadily fell. Americans are spending at least $11,400 more annually thanks to Bidenomics.

RelatedU.S. Families Spend $11.4K More Yearly Under Biden

And VP Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ new great BIPOC hope, is just as guilty as Joe Biden in creating the economic crisis. Some Democrats and many independents already dislike Kamala; they need to be reminded over and over why four more years of Harris would destroy the economy permanently. 2024 could well be a single-issue election win for Republicans.


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