Fighting for the American Dream: Hung Cao’s Patriotic RNC Speech

AP Photo/Matthew Barakat, File

“As an immigrant to this great country, let me be very clear to everyone who comes here,” said GOP Senate candidate Hung Cao at the RNC. “Don’t ask for the American Dream if you’re not willing to obey the American laws and embrace the American culture.”


Hung Cao, who is running in Virginia, called out the hateful and destructive ideology of leftists and contrasted it with the optimism and loyalty of patriots. “In November, the Left will vote for the hatred of one man. We will vote for love — love of God, love of family, and love for the greatest nation on earth,” he told a cheering crowd Tuesday at the Republican National Convention (RNC). His family escaped the Communists in Vietnam to come to America. Cao said, “America saved my life,” and he wants to return the favor.

Cao began his speech by knocking on the podium. “That’s the scariest sound you’ll ever hear when you live in a Communist country,” he stated. “That’s the last sound my parents heard when their fathers were taken away in the middle of the night and they never saw them again. That’s my family’s real life story. We escaped from Vietnam just days before Saigon fell to the Communists. We were given a new life in the most generous country on earth.”

He has given back to his new country for decades in the military and hopes to continue to do so in politics. “My name’s Hung Cao, and America saved my life,” he said. “I grabbed onto the American Dream. I graduated from the United States Naval Academy. But I paid back every dime of that American Dream with 25 years of service in Navy Special Operations.” He served in combat in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia. “I retired as captain of the United States Navy and now I stand before you as a Republican nominee for United States Senate in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Only in America, ladies and gentlemen, only in America.”


There are now many people coming to America who hate our nation, however. As Cao said, “But we’re losing our country. Under Joe Biden, millions of illegal aliens flood our borders. They fly Hamas flags on our campuses, and they shout death to America. As an immigrant to this great country, let me be very clear to everyone who comes here. Don’t ask for the American Dream if you’re not willing to obey the American laws and embrace the American culture. Because I did.” The crowd responded by enthusiastically chanting, “USA.”

When Cao continued, he highlighted his own Senate race, “I love this country so much that I wrote a blank check up to and including my life. I’m running against Hillary’s running mate, Sen. Tim Caine.” The crowd booed, and Cao emphasized, “Caine is a weak man in a dangerous world. We only have one thing in common — the American taxpayer signed our paychecks for 30 years. Except Caine is a career politician with millions of dollars to show for it. I’ve been a warrior, with scars to prove it, and I’m damn proud of it.”

Cao ended on a note of unity and optimism. “In November, the Left will vote for the hatred of one man. We will vote for love — love of God, love of family, and love for the greatest nation on earth.  And Virginia will elect me and President Trump, and together we will save America,” he said. “I’m not done fighting for us. May God bless you, may God bless President Trump, and may God bless the United States of America.”



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