‘Trans’ Athlete Whines for More Applause After Stealing Girls’ Championship

AP Photo/Armando Franca

No matter how much acclaim “transgenders” get from society, no matter how scandalous their behavior is in invading women’s sports, it’s never enough. Witness one biological male who griped out a sob story after his brazen theft of a female championship didn’t make him popular with the other athletes or the audience.


LGBTQ ideology has become the new state religion, with June as its High Holy Days. All citizens are required not only to acquiesce in sexual perversion but to celebrate it, too. “Veronica” Garcia no doubt thought he’d get the same starry-eyed congratulations and cheers that educational, political, and media institutions have taught him to expect for competing in women’s sports. Instead, he was booed or given the cold shoulder. Thank God for athletes and fans who won’t kowtow to blatant insanity.

Garcia didn’t at first notice the boos he was getting during his Washington State Championship girls’ 400M run, according to The Daily Caller:

But they only got louder when Garcia became the leader of the Washington State 2A girls 400-meter run at the track and field championships in Tacoma, so loud that Garcia could no longer deny them. Garcia ended up winning, becoming the first transgender athlete in Washington high school sports to have a first place finish in state.


Garcia did cheer on his fellow competitors as they received their medals, but it was a little too late to pretend he cared about fair competition or the success of female athletes. When Garcia reached the podium, his “high school competition didn’t even give him acknowledgment,” and they stood with hands held behind them. 

Not only that, but the crowd also initially quieted down with few cheers for Garcia, and those who began shouting were mostly condemning his participation in a women’s race. And frankly, that’s exactly what he deserved. He had no business stealing that championship title from a girl.

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Yet Garcia had the chutzpah to play the victim instead of the victimizer. “I guess maybe I expected sportsmanship because I was cheering the rest of them on when they were called. So I guess I expected to get that reciprocated,” sniffed this effeminate bully. “But I didn’t get that.” Cry me a rainbow river.

The website SheWon.org claims to archive “female athletes who were displaced by males in women’s sporting events and other types of competitions expressly for women.” According to its data, men won 994 women's “medals" and displaced 695 female athletes in 490 competitions across 35 different sports. She Won clarifies that its “medals” category includes sports records, scholarships, and similar opportunities, too.


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The fact that leftists encourage biological men to compete against women shows just how fake the left’s supposed dedication to women’s rights is. Democrats love to accuse conservatives of sexism and patriarchal oppression, but the worst institutionalized sexism is actually that inherent in radical transgender ideology, as we see constantly now in the world of sports.


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