
Biden v. America: Will You Stand on the Right Side of History?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The ridiculously partisan trial and conviction of Donald Trump in New York really is a turning point in American history. The Democrats weaponized the U.S. justice system to get their main political opponent labeled a felon not long before the 2024 presidential election. The question remains: Where do each and every one of us stand? Will we be able to look back and say we took a stand on the right side of history?

In every phase of American history, in every generation, there has been a struggle for freedom and justice against a force of tyranny and oppression. Sometimes the would-be tyrant was overseas, as in the case of the British government during the Revolution, or the Nazi and Japanese imperial regimes during World War II. Sometimes the groups trying to destroy the nation and violate the Constitution were within the United States, as during the Civil War (but the Democrats have always defined their party in violation of one or more sections of the Constitution). Today, in our generation, the Biden administration — funded by foreign adversaries and committed to restricting or ending constitutional rights and freedoms — threatens America’s survival.

Trump was right to note that this Manhattan trial and verdict were bigger than his fate. Whether you love or hate Trump, whether you are Democrat or Republican, whether you are passionately interested in or indifferent about politics, this week’s guilty verdict should disturb you. It made abundantly clear just how biased and weaponized our justice system has become. Trump, the Jan. 6 prisoners, the convicted pro-lifers, and all the political opponents jailed by the Biden administration are only the beginning. If it could happen to Trump, it could happen to you. Tyrants never reach a point where they are satisfied, where they will stop unfairly targeting citizens.

We have a choice now as to whether or not we will condemn the weaponization of the courts, condemn the Biden administration, and determine to vote out the would-be dictators. I am not advocating violence or rioting, but public demonstrations of opposition to the Biden administration and support for its targets. Educate your friends, help get out the vote, donate, speak out online. We praise the American revolutionaries, the U.S. military heroes of the past, the civil rights champions, and the great political thinkers of history because they refused to be cowed and fought the fight of their time.

Ronald Reagan warned us, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction.” Abraham Lincoln predicted, “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” We would do well to apply the wisdom of the great men of our past to our present day. Reagan and Lincoln faced and conquered the threats to liberty in their eras, and we must do the same.

The words of George Washington are as applicable now as they were in his day: “The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.” How will we be remembered? Will we be the men who were too afraid of becoming targets to speak up, even though the elites will eventually target everyone regardless of their cowardice? Or will future generations look back and thank us for helping save this nation?


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