
‘Catholic,’ Pro-Abort Dems Should Be Excommunicated

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Attention, Catholic bishops and Pope Francis: “Catholic” Democrat or leftist politicians like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. should be excommunicated for being radical pro-aborts.

Catholics who publicly defy Church doctrine are automatically excommunicated in the sense that they have morally, verbally, and spiritually divided themselves from Christ’s Body (the Church). Official excommunication from a cleric recognizes this reality and aims, by strong action, to encourage the individual to repent and to stop misleading or scandalizing others. Leftists like Joe Biden who proudly support abortion up to birth are spiritually out of communion with Catholicism, and it is important that Catholic clergy take a strong stand and clear up potential confusion by officially excommunicating these American politicians.

RFK Jr., a leftist running as an “independent” presidential candidate, just became the latest Catholic U.S. politician to affirm support for allowing abortions, even up to birth. The Catholic Church condemns all abortion, recognizing that it is always murder of an innocent, unique human being. This is a position supported by the Bible (see Jer.1:5, Psalm 138/139), and by science, which has proved that each baby is a unique human being from the moment of conception and that all forms of abortion are brutal. There is evidence to show that abortion is never necessary to save a woman’s life and it traumatizes the mothers (including rape victims). From every possible angle, abortion is evil and destructive. Yet many Democrats — and some Republicans — who call themselves Catholic also staunchly support abortion!

MRCTV’s Tierin-Rose Mandelburg highlighted Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recent disturbing comments:

In an interview with podcaster Sage Steele, Democratic Presidential nominee Robert Kennedy Jr. was asked about his ideas when it comes to abortion restrictions. Kennedy, very confidently, insisted that all abortion decisions should be made by a mother and that he supports abortion “even if it’s full term” … “No, I wouldn’t leave [the abortion issue] to the states,” Kennedy said. “We should leave it to the woman,” he added, a few moments later insisting that he’d not place any federal protections on innocent life but rather leave it up to a woman. “We shouldn’t have government involved,” he said.

He then added, “Even if it’s full term.” It’s ironic that Kennedy, who believes in getting government involved in all kinds of unconstitutional activities, should suddenly want to keep government away from one issue on which the pro-life Founding Fathers would have certainly wanted a ban: namely, baby murder. “Catholic” Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats, of course, go much further than Kennedy in wanting the federal government actively to promote abortions, and Biden has made abortion a major issue of his campaign. Former House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi once even irreverently referred to abortion as “sacred”; but at least her archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone, forbade her Holy Communion. More bishops should follow his example.

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But, the political issue aside, it’s high time that Catholic clergy stop allowing politicians to defy Church doctrine and confuse other Catholics. Any “Catholic” who supports baby murder has excommunicated himself from union with the Church, and that fact needs to be recognized and energetically condemned by the leaders of the Church.


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