—apologies to Paul Simon and “The Boy in the Bubble”
No recovery
And the wolf is growling
At the doors of the growing unemployed
Gasoline price hikes
Destroying the economy
The “green” ideologues
Won’t let us use our own oil
These are the days of budgets that are bungled
Last year they didn’t do one at all
What’s in the bills they passed? They don’t know
And they don’t seem to care at all
Half the time they’re just woolgathering
Then they try to pull the wool over our eyes
These are the days of budgets that are bungled
With big lies, baby—big lies, big lies, big lies
It was a dry run
The religion of the desert
Failed at killing people on the city street
And the president
Won’t name the enemy
He’d rather have his peeps set up a meet and greet
These are the days when defense policy’s bungled
When the administration’s dropped the ball
They won’t let anyone police the borders—oh, no
They can’t say “terrorist” at all
They’ve got an incompetent agency guarding the gateway to the sky
These are the days when defense policy’s bungled
With big lies, baby—big lies, big lies, big lies
A bunch of academic wannabees
Mucking up the economy
Every where I turn it seems they want a piece of me
Deficits skyrocketing
To the stratospheric range
And we get the man in the bubble
Telling us it’s “hope” and “change”
These are the days of budgets that are bungled
Bungled starting with Obamacare
Staccato Teleprompter deep misinformation
Steady demonization of millionaires and billionaires
And, baby
These are the days of budgets that are bungled
You know the ocean levels didn’t fall
The way the president sounds like a TV promo
What of your cash? He wants it all
He’s got a plan to work in slavery reparations
You try calling him on it, he’ll lie
These are the days of budgets that are bungled
With big lies, baby—big lies, big lies, big lies
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