Rose McGowan: 'Monstrous' Accusations Against Andrew Cuomo Must Be Investigated

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Actress Rose McGowan told Fox News that she stands by former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Lindsay Boylan. Boylan has accused Cuomo of repeatedly sexually harassing her and of fostering a climate of intimidation and fear. McGowan adds her voice to the growing number who believe Boylan.


“I completely stand by Lindsey Boylan. Its truth leaks from every word on the screen that she wrote,” McGowan told [Fox]. “She, none of us, should endure what she endured. If they’re doing it to her, what are they doing to constituents? What is he going to do to what he considers the little people? It’s monstrous.”

“Monstrous” may be the perfect word to describe Cuomo. Boylan accuses Cuomo of repeatedly harassing her, suggesting they play strip poker together, and kissing her — and of impacting her career because he had a crush on her. Boylan writes that Cuomo and top aides including Melissa DeRosa created a “toxic” work environment, and that she had to resign her position to escape him.

“If people weren’t deathly afraid of him, they’d be saying the same thing and you’d already know the stories,” she said. “Seriously, the messages and texts I receive when I speak the truth about this…it’s a whole book of people who have been harmed.”

“Don’t be surprised that it’s the same small group of white people sitting alongside him at every presser,” she continued. “The same group that he has had by him the whole time, doing his dirty work. If you’re not one of those handful, your life working for him is endlessly dispiriting.”

“That environment is beyond toxic. I’m still unwrapping it years later in therapy!” she said.

In addition to the allegations Boylan levels at him, which Harvey Weinstein accuser McGowan now backs up, the blusterous governor forced nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients as the pandemic swept across the world, leading to thousands of deaths. The state’s attorney general reports that Cuomo then attempted to hide the true number of deaths his policy caused, undercounting them by as much as 50%. That attorney general, Letitia James, is a Cuomo protégé. Or was.


Fox meteorologist Janice Dean lost both of her parents-in-law in Cuomo’s nursing home death traps. She has waged a fearless campaign to shed light on what happened and to hold Cuomo accountable.

Cuomo’s response to the pain she and thousands of others endured, after the report of his cover-up came out: “Who cares [if they] died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died.”

That’s a direct quote.

Members of the New York legislature want to strip Cuomo of the sweeping emergency powers he assumed in the COVID pandemic but shows no sign of relinquishing even as the state’s economy dies.

New York state Sen. Ron Kim (D-Queens) recently came forward to detail Cuomo’s abusive behavior toward him, and called for Cuomo’s impeachment.

“The governor has abused his powers,” Kim said to host Neil Cavuto on Fox News‘ Cavuto Live on Saturday. “He has a pattern of abusive behavior. He has abused me and my family by calling me and threatening my career in front of my kids, in front of my wife…We must hold him accountable…that’s what’s at stake right now.”

Cuomo’s rage at Kim came about after one of many watershed events: Cuomo’s own top aide, Melissa DeRosa, openly admitted that his office withheld information from the U.S. Department of Justice’s investigation regarding the nursing home deaths. Kim, who has signed on with others in the assembly who want Cuomo’s emergency powers stripped away, calls his actions regarding the nursing home deaths an “intentional obstruction of justice.”


“Now these there’s a web of lies and excuses why they couldn’t provide information but sooner or later, the truth will come out,” Kim said to Cavuto. “That’s what’s happening now, and everything is unraveling. And [Cuomo is] shaken, and he’s trying to rope everyone in, including the Senate including the Assembly, as many elected officials as possible, instead of telling the truth to the 15,000 families who lost loved ones in the last 10 months.”

Even Rep. Always On-Camera wants Cuomo investigated.

All of this paints a picture of a state waking up to the realities of an egotistical, out-of-control man occupying and abusing one of the most powerful state-level offices in the country.

As recently as last October, Cuomo was being touted to become the next U.S. attorney general. He had won an Emmy for, of all things, his COVID press conferences. He had written a book touting his COVID leadership. There had even been suggestions he should replace Joe Biden as the Democrats’ presidential nominee.

Polls are stating to reflect the governor’s current political reality. Gov. Cuomo’s support among voters in the state is slipping: A new Marist poll finds, for the first time, a majority of New Yorkers want a new governor.

“A majority of poll respondents also said it was time for the state to have a new governor, as Cuomo gears up for the prospect of seeking a fourth term in 2022. Some 38 percent of adults in the survey said he deserved to be re-elected, while 57 percent said it was time to elect someone else.


Even the Biden White House can only mount the most tepid of defenses on Cuomo’s behalf now.

The Emmy-winning governor has fallen so far so fast that his nude on camera, ill-tempered, COVID quarantine-breaking brother Chris, who only has his job at CNN because his father and brother were or are governors of the Empire State, is now looking like the successful one.

Cuomo Alone: Calls Grow for New York’s Imperious Governor to Get Impeached and Prosecuted


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