Source of Possible ISIS Leaflets at Quantico Still Unknown

Thursday afternoon, the Tatler broke the story of the strange leaflets that were found on Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia.

The leaflets, about seven of which were found, bear an inverted ISIS flag and an Arabic inscription that says “We came from Mexico by train.” They were found Wednesday afternoon in an area of the base that is frequented by military members, their families, and other civilians.



Today, the Marine Corps TimesNBC News, 11 news in Atlanta, the Daily Beast, WJLA, and many other media outlets have reported the story.

The leaflets are being investigated by the FBI and NCIS. As of yet, investigators do not know who is behind the leaflets. The Marine Corps Times reports that a civilian found them.

A government employee came upon seven leaflets on Wednesday afternoon while running through the town of Quantico, Bormann told Marine Corps Times. The leaflets have a reversed image of the Islamic State group’s flag and writing in Arabic that is translated as “We are here from Mexico and came by train,” Bormann said in an email.

“Security personnel from the base informed the town of Quantico, the FBI and NCIS,” Bormann said. “While these leaflets may be a hoax, base officials are taking their discovery seriously.”

Quantico has not changed its overall security posture in response to the leaflets, but the Corps issued an administrative message Wednesday night telling Marines to be on guard and “even report the most minor suspicious activity.”


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