Republican Greg Abbott is killin’ it in the Texas governor race, according to an internal campaign poll.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott leads Democratic rival Wendy Davis by 18 percentage points in his campaign’s latest internal survey, the attorney general’s pollster told supporters Wednesday evening.
The poll, which was completed last week, shows Abbott beating Davis 53 to 35 percent, Chris Wilson of WPA Opinion Research said on a conference call for people who gave $25 or more to Abbott’s campaign. He did not disclose the survey’s methodology or margin of error.
Democrat Wendy Davis’ campaign didn’t really question the poll, other than to claim that their own poll has them “within striking distance.” No numbers were provided to back that up, though.
So that’s Texas. Louisiana is red but not as deep a shade as Texas. Incumbent Sen. Mary Landrieu, Democrat, is sinking as the election draws near, according to Rasmussen.
Republican Congressman Bill Cassidy has edged ahead of incumbent Democrat Mary Landrieu in Louisiana’s hotly contested U.S. Senate race.
A new Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Louisiana Voters finds Cassidy with 44% of the vote and Landrieu with 41%. Nine percent (9%) like some other candidate in the race, while six percent (6%) are undecided.
That’s two Democrats not doing well. How about a third?
Gallup has President Barack Obama sinking to a new low in his approval rating, down to 38%. A solid majority of 54% disapprove. He is underwater on pretty much every issue — immigration, foreign policy, the economy, healthcare, you name it, he stinks at it.
I pretty much have nowhere else to post this next bit, because it’s totally unverified, yet it’s funny. This video — unverified — supposedly shows a bunch of captured Islamic State warriors blubbering and bawling, going sissy. It’s undated, and I don’t speak the lingo that those guys are speaking. But the wailing is obvious enough.
This video won’t help the IS brand. So verified or not, it deserves to be viewed by every person on earth.
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