You’ve got to be kidding me. FLOTUS wants to turn grocery stores into little food police states.
While the feds’ plan deals mostly with the 47 million Americans who participate in the government’s food stamp program, it would indirectly affect all consumers.
According to, the federal busybodies want to provide food-stamp shoppers with “incentives” for making healthy food choices – such as discounts or free movie tickets – and even talking shopping carts that will notify them when they’ve selected enough healthy items.
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The high-tech carts – which would cost every grocery store about $30,000 to provide – would be physically divided and color coded to help consumers select approved food items. It would also “have a system installed so that when the shopping cart reaches its healthy ‘threshold’ it would congratulate the customer,” reports.
In case that’s not creepy enough, the feds want grocery store employees to serve as government “ambassadors” who can “redirect” food stampers toward healthy items by explaining the various incentive programs and nutritional information.
Does Michelle Obama even believe that people have the right to choose to do things that she disapproves? Can she just stick to bossing her own man and stay out of everyone else’s business? Is that too much to ask?
Do the feds even realize who works in the checkout lines at grocery stores? It’s mostly high school and college kids. The government would be deputizing them to pester the rest of us over what we’re eating.
While the feds could easily ensure healthier purchases for food stamp participants by clamping down on which products are available to them, the government busybodies want consumers to think they’re making these choices all by themselves.
They’re not going to do that. That would be racist or something. So they’ll nag everyone and irritate everyone equally.
I’ll just lay this marker out right now. Do not turn my Trader Joe’s into a pest zone. Ditto for my Whole Foods and my HEB.
Just don’t do it.
I’ll start ordering more junk food online and sell it on the black market just to be spiteful.
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