How Did an IRS Official Know with Certainty that the Obama Campaign Would Continue One of Its Attacks?

Townhall’s Katie Pavlich has published an intriguing email recently released by the House Oversight committee. Here it is.


The email is from September 2010, but the presidential campaign was already in full swing.


In the email, IRS tax-exempt official Sarah Hall Ingram tells her cohorts, including Lois Lerner, about a coordinated media campaign against the Citizens United decision. Ingram praises that campaign, and demonstrates foreknowledge of what is to come.

In the email, Ingram says “The ‘secret donor’ theme will continue — see Obama salvo and today’s Diane Reehm (sp).”

Ingram doesn’t hint anything less than certainty that an Obama campaign theme will continue forward into the future. Which it did — President Obama attacked the Citizens United decision in the days after this email. Ingram calls the president’s coming actions a “salvo,” which proved to be uncannily accurate.

Maybe Sarah Hall Ingram is just a very good guesser.

How did Sarah Hall Ingram, not a political officer but an official at the Internal Revenue Service in a politically sensitive position, know with certainty that Obama would continue hammering on this theme? Was she in contact with anyone at the White House or someone who played any role in the Obama campaign?


Ingram certainly was in contact with the Obama White House. She made 165 visits there during the IRS targeting period. The official story is that Ingram visited the White House to discuss “health policy” with Doug Shulman, then commissioner of the IRS, and White House health policy assistant Jeanne Lambrew. Ingram was head of the IRS tax-exempt office at the time. She moved on from there to coordinate IRS prosecution of Obamacare, and has since retired.

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