Guess Who this Duck Dynasty Star Wants to Take Hunting

Duck Commander CEO Willie Robertson appeared on the Laura Ingraham Show Monday. Ingraham asked the Duck Dynasty star who he would like to take out to the sticks for a duck hunt. Robertson gave a surprising answer: He’d like to take Obama.


“I’d like to talk and debate and find out what’s going on in his brain a little more,” Robertson said to explain his choice. He said that he likes to debate people he disagrees with. The Robertsons are outspoken Christians who pray together as a family at the end of each Duck Dynasty show. They have also become outspoken conservatives. They helped conservative businessman Vance McAllister win a special election in Louisiana in 2013.

Robertson said he would like to chat with Obama to see if he can change his thinking. There would certainly be a lot to talk about. The president’s signature legislation, Obamacare, forces businesses to conform to the president’s mandates. Robertson said he has met Obama a couple of times, and would like to “sit out there and talk” while duck hunting. “There’s been many a debate over politics and religion” during Robertson duck hunts, he said, allowing that this past season provided lots of time to debate “the state of the world.”


If the presidential hunt happened, the greater likelihood is that Barack Obama, who has never run a business or held a serious non-political job prior to the presidency, would use the time to lecture the multimillionaire CEO on how to run his successful family business.

h/t Mediaite


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