Has Obama's Twitter Feed Been Hacked?

Earlier today, President Obama’s Twitter feed tweeted this message:


Here’s the embedded version. Click on the link in it.


Some of the time, the link goes to a WaPo story about immigration reform. But some of the time, the link leads to this violent YouTube video that was evidently produced by elements of the Syrian rebellion.

The Syrian Electronic Army claims that it has hacked President Obama’s Twitter feed, according to Gizmodo.

In just latest of many head-turning exploits, the Syrian Electronic Army now says it’s broken into Barack Obama’s Twitter account and website. Indeed, the hacker organization showed images of the website’s backend and Obama campaign email accounts.

While the Obama Twitter account hasn’t gone wild (as with other attacks), there is at least one tweet that points to a graphically violent SEA video on YouTube. The SEA reportedly confirmed the hacks in an email to Mashable.

The hackers have also managed to redirect part of Obama’s website—OFA.BO/SEA—to the Syrian Electronic Army’s website. The extent of the hack is, otherwise, unclear, as the SEA seems to be livetweeting its exploits. We’ll keep an eye on the latest and update you as we go. [SEA]

By all means, let’s keep our healthcare in Team Obama’s hands.


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