Obama Closing Privately Managed Parks Threatens to Scuttle Weddings, Holidays

The unnecessary, forced and expensive closure of hundreds of parks around the nation is already having ripple effects.

Mr. Meyer: I just wanted to thank you for the letter you wrote to our senators and congressmen.

My fiance and I are scheduled to be married this Saturday at Red Rock Crossing. On Tuesday, I called and was told that the park would be open and unaffected by shutdown.

As you can imagine, the news today has me very worried. We have spent literally thousands of dollars to have a special couple of hours in the park with our families who are flying in from all over the United States and the thought of not being able to have our wedding in our dream location is upsetting to say the least.

I hope and pray that your parks and campgrounds continue to stay open.


Red Rock Crossing, which is privately managed, is set to close on Friday. There is no fiscal reason to close it, because like the hundreds of other parks impacted by these closures, it generates revenue for the Treasury. Closing it is more expensive than leaving it open.

We can count on many uninformed voters to blame all of this on Republicans in Congress, but the fact is, the Democrats are refusing to negotiate on the continuing resolution to fund the government, and the White House is ordering the unnecessary closures of these parks.



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