But, Chicago has some of the strongest gun control laws in the country! How could this happen?
Semecha Nunn tried hard to talk about her 3-year-old grandson, one of 13 people shot as neighbors played basketball in Cornell Square Park in the Back of the Yards Thursday night.
“They need to stop, they need to stop,” Nunn said, the last word coming out as almost a shriek as she closed her eyes and collapsed crying.
Witnesses told police a gray sedan pulled up to the park around 10:15 p.m. and two men started firing in the 1800 block of West 51st Street. The victims ranged from 3 to 41 and included a 15-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. Three of them, including the boy, were in serious to critical condition.
Why were several kids out playing basketball on a school night at 10:15?
The Chicago Tribune reports on the other shootings scattered around Chicago last night.
Chicago clearly has a terrible gang problem. Mayor Emanuel has been tougher on gun makers than he has been on the gang bangers who use guns to shoot up neighborhoods. Chicago also clearly has a terrible mayor problem, and the gangs are not persuaded by the terrible mayor’s terrible responses to the gangs.
h/t JWF
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