Before taking up the mantle of running the Texas Senate, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst was a Central Intelligence Agency officer. It was one of those jobs he could tell you all about, but…well, you know how that ends.
While he doesn’t go into many details about life with the CIA, both that and his United States Air Force experience help inform his opinions on foreign policy. During a wide-ranging interview with PJTV/PJM Wednesday afternoon, Dewhurst directly addressed the foreign policy issue of terrorism, as it relates to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi and the trial of Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan.
He has strong opinions on both, saying that they represent “evil mistakes” made by the Obama administration.
“The lack of protecting those four Americans in the consulate in Benghazi…that is a sin. We know, we’ve seen reported, that there was live video streaming into the Situation Room at the White House. That means there were platforms, aerial platforms, that could’ve been used. … Where do you draw the line? Being PC — politically correct — and you don’t want to offend the leadership in Libya? So you let four Americans be killed and, be mutilated? Outrageous!”
One Obama administration answer to critics has been that it could not send air support for the besieged Americans because it did not have overflight rights from the Libyan government. The Libyan government after Gaddafi’s fall barely controls the capital Tripoli, and its writ in Benghazi last fall was quite weak. Beside that, the U.S. put that government into power when it helped rebels oust Gaddafi in the first place.
Choosing his words, Dewhurst continued: “Everyone that knew about this…everyone that knew about this, ought to be going to jail over that. This is murder.”
Then Dewhurst turned to the trial of admitted Fort Hood killer and jihadist Nidal Hasan. That trial got underway in military court this week.
Hasan admitted in his opening statement that not only is he the shooter, but that he wanted to kill as many American soldiers as possible to wage jihad, or Islamic holy war, against the United States. He was known to have been in contact with radical imam Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the 2009 rampage, which left 13 dead and more than 30 injured.
“Not to call this an act of terrorism, not to be able to give the Purple Heart to people that were wounded, the 32, 33 brave Americans that were wounded, some of which were charging the gunner unarmed…Not to call it an act of terrorism, but call it ‘workplace violence’…is incredible. Incredible! What are they thinking, this Obama administration?
“They’ve gotten busted so many times, it’s clear, there is nothing this administration won’t do in violating, stretching, avoiding, not paying any attention to federal laws and American values.”
Before the Boston Marathon bombing, the Obama administration’s designation of the Fort Hood massacre as “workplace violence” allowed it to claim that there had been no terrorist attacks on American soil on its watch.
We will have more from our interview with Lt. Gov. Dewhurst, including his opinion of Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis’ chances of being elected governor of Texas.
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