Wednesday night, in between jokes about parents naming their children after Apple products and a lame skit about the Australian radio broadcasters who spoofed the British hospital currently caring for Princess Kate, talk show host Conan O’Brien dropped a joke about Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio.
CONAN: A new book is coming out that reveals that Florida Senator Marco Rubio was born a Catholic, became a Mormon, then returned to the Catholic Church, then became a Baptist, then again returned to the Catholic Church. Yeah. And I think he’s at it again, because he’s now asking people to call him “Marco Rubenstein.”
Much of this history occurred when Rubio was a child. In other words, he was not switching churches so much as his parents were.
I don’t recall O’Brien ever joking that Barack Obama was born the son of Communists, was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia, then attend a racial separatist church in Chicago whose pastor railed against the middle class, and now attends no church at all. A clever writer might even connect that last fact with the Obama administration’s abortifacient mandates that have generated over 100 lawsuits defending religious freedom.
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