Romney Calls on Obama to Disavow Castro Endorsement

Fidel Castro’s niece, Mariela Castro, this week joined the likes of the Communist Party USA in endorsing President Barack Obama’s re-election. Speaking at a gay rights conference while representing a regime that holds and tortures political prisoners for speaking out against it, Castro said that she believes Obama is “sincere and speaks from the heart,” adding that she would vote for him.


GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney today is calling on the president to repudiate the Castro nod.

“President Obama should disavow the endorsement of the daughter of Cuban dictator Raul Castro. It is galling that an envoy from a Communist regime would come to our country and lecture the American people on who to vote for while the regime refuses to hold free and fair elections and systematically violates the human rights of its people. The decision by the Obama Administration to welcome Mariela Castro to our shores—a decision that has received rightful criticism from both Republicans and Democrats—continues to be an egregious affront to the people of Cuba and those who love freedom everywhere.” – Romney Campaign Adviser Alberto Martinez


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