President Obama is visiting Texas today for a fundraiser, where he is being “welcomed” by Republican Senate candidate, former Texas Secretary of State Roger Williams with a new video ad and website: The site and web video ad aim, in the candidate’s words, to expose the president for the damage he is intentionally doing to the US economy.
The video is of movie trailer quality, using press clips and sound bites from the president himself to hammer away at his economic record since taking office more than two years ago. Take a look here or click the graphic to play.
Williams is among a crowded and talented field in the GOP primary. But in a phone conversation Monday, Williams stressed that his business background is unique in the field and gives him an edge over the other Republican candidates. Voters, said Williams, are looking for someone who can take business experience and thinking to Washington and apply them to our national fiscal problems, and he is the man to do it. Williams also burnished his conservative credentials, saying that he is the most conservative candidate on both fiscal and social issues in the race. I peppered Williams with a range of questions on the economy, the NLRB’s actions against right to work laws and against Boeing in South Carolina, and the top issues that will power his run for the Senate. Williams said that as someone who has fought Big Labor his entire career, he would take up that fight in the US Senate.
His top campaign issues including reforming the tax structure so that it works and lowers the high tax burden on Americans; reducing unemployment by encouraging private sector growth; balance the budget; empower small business; and foster a strong US military. Williams told me that if he were in the Senate, he would vote against raising the debt ceiling. He would also support expanding domestic oil drilling immediately. Williams summed up his message this way: lower taxes, less government, cut spending, defend our borders and listen to your generals.
Williams’ new web site greets President Obama in a state he has treated like an ATM, where his policies have threatened the energy industry and where his popularity has never been high.
“We are now living in the Obama Economy,” Williams said. “Obama’s mission is to bring his vision of ‘social justice’ to America. He has decided that if he can control the economy he can control people. And if he can control people he can make them more dependent on the federal government. The Obama economy is a complete opposite of the one our Founding Fathers envisioned. And that’s why it has to be stopped.”
Williams has never run for elective office, but did successfully chair the Texas GOP’s Victory campaign in 2008, a statewide effort that raised over $5 million and helped shore up Texas Republicans at a time when the Democrats were looking to make major gains. Williams has successfully run a business for 39 years, served as Texas’ 105th Secretary of State and as Chief Liaison for Texas Border and Mexican Affairs. He is running for the US Senate seat from which Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison is retiring next year.
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