PJTV Video: A House Freshman Outlines the Priorities for the Republican Class of 2010

On Tuesday I traveled to San Antonio to speak to the Alamo Pachyderm Club.  The event went well but I turned out to be an extended warm-up act to a surprise guest: Francisco “Quico” Canseco, the Republican elected to Congress from TX-23 on Nov 2.  TX-23 is among the largest congressional districts in the U.S., spanning the distance from central Texas all the way to the outskirts of El Paso.


Canseco’s victory was among three that Republican U.S. House candidates won over Democratic incumbents in Texas last week.

PJTV regulars may remember Rep.-elect Canseco. He appeared on PJTV with Steven Green a few months back, when video of his then Democratic opponent, Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, surfaced showing Rodriguez reacting badly when a voter challenged his understanding of ObamaCare at a town hall meeting.

After the Pachyderm meeting was done, I ventured over to Canseco’s north San Antonio campaign office.  It’s all boxed up because the campaign staff is moving out, while Canseco gets ready to be sworn into office in January.  He had a few minutes, and I had an iPhone, so we did a brief impromptu interview outside his office.  I asked him about his priorities once the 112th Congress convenes, how he picked up the largest GOP Hispanic vote share in any district in the nation, and how significant the Rodriguez rage video was to his victory.  It’s Canseco’s answer to that question that’s the most revealing of what kind of representative he intends to be.


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