DNC Chairman Tim Kaine played a story to the press this week as if it was so important, so incredible, that it would rally the Democratic base and maybe even save the Democratic Congress. The DNC even used CNN to tease the announcement a day ahead.
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine plans to make what’s being billed as a major announcement for the party Wednesday.
Any link one clicked on the party’s website early Wednesday touted the announcement, without offering details.
However, a Democratic source with knowledge of the speech said it will be about the future of the party.
Wow. The “future of the party,” huh? Well that could be big!
We all know now what the “future of the party” announcement was all about: The Democrats had a new party logo. And it’s awful.
But take a look at how Chairman Kaine attempted to sell the thing, helpfully posted on the party’s horrible new web site.
I’m sure you’ll also notice our new look. Some may think: it’s just a logo — it’s just a brand. Well I don’t believe the Democratic Party is a logo or a brand — we are much more than that. We are Democrats. We create change that matters. Ours is a party of ideas and ideals, of policies and people, history and purpose.
I don’t know about you, but that description and the “new look” it’s supposed to sell are vapid to me. It might as well be:
That red line of text begs — begs — for sarcastic rebuttal. So make your own and send ’em our way, and we’ll post the best ones.
The logo itself is a circle and a D. Anyone could create that in Photoshop in less than five minutes, whether you know anything about Photoshop or not. Its two elements are “OD” as in “overdose,” which the Democrats have surely done on spending and government power. Or it’s “odd,” which describes Kaine and the whole idea that a logo is going to “rally the base” in any meaningful way. Or as a friend of mine pointed out on Facebook, it’s “D’oh!” as in the thing that Homer Simpson says when he screws up, gets confused, or is otherwise out of sorts, like the other day when Nancy Pelosi insisted against all evidence that the Democrats will hold the House. “D’oh!”
As if to drive that point home, take a look at how they juxtaposed the two major DNC logos at the bottom of their front page:
In other words:
Or it’s a target. This took all of 30 seconds in Photoshop, which is probably about as much time as the designer took to make that logo.
There’s no real substance in this logo, no actual design, no life … nothing. So for today’s Democrats, it’s perfect!
Speaking of great big nothings, Harry Reid helped Christine O’Donnell write her first TV ad against Chris Coons yesterday.
Reid talked up the New Castle County executive following a memorial ceremony on the Capitol’s east steps to commemorate the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. O’Donnell on Tuesday night won the GOP nomination to face Coons in November — a result that has split the national Republican Party. …
“I’m going to be very honest with you — Chris Coons, everybody knows him in the Democratic caucus. He’s my pet. He’s my favorite candidate,” Reid said.
And then, Reid doubled down.
Let me tell you about him: A graduate of Yale Divinity School. Yale Law School. A two-time national debate champion. He represents two-thirds of the state now, in an elected capacity. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen him or heard him speak, but he is a dynamic speaker. I don’t mean loud or long; he’s a communicator. So that’s how I feel about Delaware. I’ve always thought Chris Coons is going to win. I told him that and I tried to get him to run. I’m glad he’s running. I just think the world of him. He’s my pet.
“My pet.” Yeah, that’s just begging for a Photoshop. So here ya go! I’ll just go ahead and apologize, because once you’ve seen that you can’t un-see it.
Notice that Reid doesn’t tout his “pet” for anything he believes, or has done, or is – other than that he’s a “dynamic speaker” who “isn’t loud.” Why not call him “clean and articulate” while you’re at it? The whole bearded Marxist thing? Not a problem! That’s the kind of thinking that has led us straight to President Prompter.
Take these two seemingly disconnected stories — the putrid logo and My Pet Marxist — together and you have a party that is out of gas. It’s tired. It needs a vacation. Let’s give ‘em one starting in November.
Update: Change That Mattress!
Update: S. Weasel has a great gallery of D-logo ‘shops.
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