Reid on Obamacare 'Horror Stories': 'All of Them are Untrue'

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) declared on the Senate floor that all of the “horror stories” being shared about Obamacare are “untrue,” sparking outrage from GOP lawmakers.


“Across the country, Americans who were once denied insurance because they suffered from something like cancer or as simple as acne were able to buy affordable health insurance that they could afford and they could trust,” Reid said

“But despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told,” Reid insisted. “All of them are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.” He proceeded to accuse the Koch brothers of spreading false stories with anti-Obamacare ads.

Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) said “it’s not insult enough that Texans and Americans across the country are losing their healthcare plans or seeing their hours cut at work because of Obamacare. Now the most powerful Democrat in Congress has said Americans’ personal horror stories about Obamacare ‘are untrue’—not just some, but ‘all of them.’”

“I invite the majority leader to visit places like Plano, TX, where he can meet with Glenn Barlow, who is in his 50s, and lost his existing plan, which he liked. The most comparable plan he can purchase under Obamacare is 65 percent more expensive and includes maternity care that he doesn’t need,” Cornyn said.


“I wish these stories weren’t true, but this is what happens when a president shoves his big-government agenda down the throats of the American people and forces them to buy health care they don’t need or don’t want. At the end of the day, the only thing that’s ‘untrue’ are the many promises the president made when he tried to sell the nation on Obamacare, chief among them: if you like your plan, you can keep it.”


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