The excellent Best of New Orleans Blog has this post about locals’ reaction to the national coverage:
I won’t even attempt to link to every blogpost or Twitter, but the disgust with the cable networks’ coverage of this storm seems absolute and universal among Louisianans. I keep looking for someone who can find something positive or useful on CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC, but people in the city and across the country are howling at how bad this coverage is.
An earlier post notes that “the cable networks … seem determined to justify their investment in covering this storm by turning it into a reality show.”
You can get much much better coverage from the four live-streaming New Orleans stations: WWL, WDSU, WVUE, and WGNO. (Also, DirectTV users can watch WDSU on channel 361.) All four stations’ feeds can be viewed on one page here. Highly recommended over CNN, Fox or MSNBC.
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