Michael Totten Dons His Pajamas

Los Angeles, CAPajamas Media today announced its newest addition to its list of in-house Pajamas “Xpress” bloggersMichael Totten, winner of the 2006 Blogger of the Year award and among the first bloggers to assume a role as a foreign correspondent.  Totten will provide readers with in-depth news and analysis about the Middle East, Balkan and Caucasus regions.


“On behalf of Pajamas Media and PJTV, I want to welcome Michael to the PajamasXpress blogger lineup,” said Roger L. Simon, CEO of Pajamas Media.  “The Western world is increasingly impacted by the news and events that flow out of the Middle East.  Our soldiers are over there, but all too often, our citizens are unable to grasp the culture and political structure of this foreign world.  For years, Michael has had his eye on the Middle East, often giving on-the-ground analysis and insight.  We are excited to welcome him and his insight to Pajamas Media.”

Totten has made frequent trips to the Middle East, spending time in Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Bosnia, Kosovo, Georgia and several other locations, even taking up residence in Beirut for a short time.  His writings have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, City Journal, the New York Daily News, the Jerusalem Post, Newsweek, and more.


In 2006, Totten was named Blogger of the Year by The Week magazine for his dispatches from the Middle East.  A year later, he won a Weblog Award for the Best Middle East/Africa Blog. Totten captured that award again in 2008.  Totten is currently finishing his first book, a documentary of his Middle East encounters, which is set to be published by Encounter Books in Spring 2011.

Click here to read Totten’s debut post for PJM.


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