Even the dog gets better treatment.....

I came across an article in span style=”font-style:italic;”Time/span magazine entitled, “Spendthrift Spouses Could Hurt Holiday Shopping” a href=”http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1939807,00.html”that looked kind of interesting:/abr /br /blockquoteWhat might be the driving factor that lowers holiday retail sales and stalls a much-anticipated economic recovery? Stingy spouses with children. According to a new survey from America’s Research Group, a retail-consulting firm, 50.1% of parents plan on cutting back on gifts to each other this year. That figure is up from 44.4% last year, a surprising jump considering that the U.S. was in the depths of the financial crisis during the previous holiday season. “Parents want to maintain gift-spending levels for their kids, so they are showing more willingness to trim on each other,” says Britt Beemer, founder and chairman of America’s Research Group./blockquotebr /br /But here is what caught my eye:br /br /blockquoteEven the pooch may be getting better treatment than Pops. In a separate Consumer Reports survey, 22% of women who expected to reduce their holiday spending said they would be cutting back on gifts for their spouse. Only 14% said they would cut back on gifts for their pets. Ruff./blockquotebr /br /Great, so a dog is more likely than a husband to get a gift at Christmas? The article doesn’t say but I wonder if husbands would dare give a gift to a dog rather than to their wife? If I was a guy and Fido received a gift and I got none, I would be really pissed. Would you?



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