PJTV's Crowd Estimates for Tea Parties Still Climbing

The estimated number of participants in yesterday’s tea parties — sent in by citizen journalists who signed up to the site to enter attendance data from the event they participated in — currently stands at more than 623,000. More than 850 ordinary Americans signed up to report on their community’s protest. The number of participants will continue to rise as more of our field observers upload their photos and videos of the events and send us their attendance figures.


(Check here for the latest in crowd estimates based on eyewitness accounts, as well as police estimates. Crowd counting is not an exact science, but we feel confident in saying that PJTV has the most authoritative estimates of crowd size you’ll find anywhere.)

For complete PJTV coverage of the day’s events, you can visit here and watch for free. The day’s events from dozens of venues along with commentary by ordinary citizens and experts have been broken into 18 parts for ease in finding a venue of interest to you.

This link will take you to the reports from citizen journalists who voluntarily gave of their time and effort to report from their hometown on tea party happenings.

Nothing like this had ever been attempted before; hundreds of locations reporting and downloading news to one network using CelleCast technology, Twitpic, as well as webcams and other web based technology to get the story — the whole story. During PJTV’s nine hours of coverage, around 20 reports were put on the air that had been forwarded via cellcast — a service set up on the PJTV website for the citizen reporters to send in their accounts of the tea parties.


Make sure you continue to follow PJTV for the latest on the tea party movement. And while you’re at it, why not subscribe?


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