"Fatherlessness can sometimes be a result of the mother's choices."

Finally,a href=”http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/renee_mitchell/index.ssf?/base/news/1219191906326940.xmlcoll=7thispage=2″ a mom who is emstarting/em/a to get it (via a href=”http://www.glennsacks.com/blog/index.php?tag=enewsletter082608″Glenn Sacks/a):br /blockquoteI share this journey with readers because I know men aren’t always the only ones to blame when Daddy isn’t a part of his children’s lives. Women have a larger role in that than we’d like to admit — before and after conception. br /br /That means single women need to shoulder some of responsibility for having unprotected sex with the wrong men, especially those who have no history of making investments in their other sperm donor deposits. br /br /And women of divorce need to lose the anger so our children don’t become unintentional pawns in a game to prove how much we don’t need a spouse to survive. At times, a man’s character, life circumstances or domestic violence keep children from having access to their father. Sometimes, though, women just need to get out of the way. /blockquotebr /br /There is still a long way to go for women to understand how much children need their dads, but it’s a start.



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