Shocker: Lefty Book Reviewer gives Right-leaning Book a Bad Review

David Harsanyi, the author of a href=”″Nanny State,/aimg src=”″ width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” / is miffed that the left-leaning span style=”font-style:italic;”Publisher’s Weekly/span a href=””gave his book a rather negative/a review: br /br /blockquoteNanny State recently received a short review from the trade publication Publishers Weekly. It was unfriendly. I came away with the feeling that the reviewer hadn’t actually read the book. (I won’t bore you with the specifics.) But then again, who knows, perhaps the review was /br /As this is my first book, though, I decided to investigate other Publisher Weekly reviews on Did a negative review effect sales? Did the reviewer typically betray a ideological position as this one had? This curiosity led to non-scientific stroll around and a discovery. One that Tammy Bruce had already noted. I work in mainstream media. Though I’m not someone who buys into the widespread liberal media meme, the one-sidedness of the PW reviews was inescapable. After all, a provocative or combative political book can be well written and worth reading even if you disagree with the central thesis. I’ve reviewed books for almost a decade. I know this can happen./blockquotebr /br /I wrote about the bias of span style=”font-style:italic;”Publisher’s Weekly/span a href=””in a post here, /aafter finding the same negative reviews of conservative books and positive ones of liberal books. a href=””Tammy Bruce states/a that “conservative authors agree, you know you’ve done a good job when you’ve made span style=”font-style:italic;”Publisher’s Weekl/spany collective head explode. … if PW is foaming at the mouth about a book, and uses the words “screed,” “strident,” or “unfortunately,” (in an effort to appear thoughtful), I consider it a must-read and put it immediately on my list of books to get.” So Mr. Harsanyi, congratulations, maybe that unfriendly review was just a hint that your book will be a real success.



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