"High school kids, unsupervised, are the most feral little beasts on the planet"

Kim du Toit a href=”http://www.theothersideofkim.com/index.php/tos/single/10250/”discusses the socialization /aand homeschooling question:br /br /blockquoteWhen we talk to people about homeschooling our kids, and are asked what we did about “socialization”, our answer is dismissive. Here’s the gist of it. br /br /We were never interested in having our kids learning to socialize from a group of peers who were as clueless about the process as they themselves were. High school kids, unsupervised, are the most feral little beasts on the planet, and we saw no reason why we should subject our kids to that ordeal. The most common response to that statement was usually, “It makes them tougher” or “They learn how to cope with a hostile environment, like they may encounter in the adult world”……br /br /Another response is that the kids “miss out on so much”. Yeah, Daughter really misses that experience of perpetual teasing about her weight, and the physical bullying that went along with it, coupled with sadistic gym teachers who forced her to run a mile during PE class, in the hot sun. br //blockquotebr /br /I’m a href=”http://www.theothersideofkim.com/index.php/tos/single/10250/”waiting for Mr. and Mrs. du Toit’s book/a on the subject.



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