Podcast with Bob Corker

a href=”http://www.bobcorkerforsenate.com/”img alt=”corker.jpg” src=”http://instapundit.com/archives/images/corker.jpg” align=right border=0 width=”150″ height=”192″ //abr /Today we are talking with a href=”http://www.bobcorkerforsenate.com/”Bob Corker/a, the former Mayor of Chattanooga, Tennessee, who is running for Bill Frist’s Senate seat in November. Corker, a Republican is running against Democratic Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. and it looks like it will be a close race–so close that John Hawkins at Right Wing News has a href=”http://www.rightwingnews.com/archives/week_2006_09_03.PHP#006387″categorized this campaign /a a “dogfight.” Mr. Corker talks with us about where he stands on national security, gun rights, immigration, spending and how he differs from his opponent. br /br /You can listen to the podcast by a href=”http://richmedia.pjmedia.com/audio/politicscentral/glenn_helen_show/20060912-Corker.mp3″clicking here/a or by subscribing a href=”http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=116559643s=143441″via iTunes./a If you have dial-up, you can listen a href=”http://richmedia.pjmedia.com/audio/politicscentral/glenn_helen_show/20060912-Corker-lofi.mp3″here./a br /br /Or you can just a href=”http://www.politicscentral.com/2006/09/11/the_glenn_and_helen_show_bob_c.php”go here/a and click on the gray Flash player to listen directly from your browser with no downloading required.br /br /You can listen and compare the two candidates on the issues by listening to our previous interview with a href=”http://drhelen.blogspot.com/2006/04/podcast-with-harold-ford-jr.html”Harold Ford, Jr./a too, if you’d like.



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