Should BMI be Scrapped as a Measure of Health?

Dave at the a href=””Crisper Blog /asays it’s time a href=””to scap the Body Mass Index /a(BMI) as a way of calculating obesity or health. I have to say that I agree. My BMI is fairly low (20) but I’ve had heart problems and BMI seems to have little correlation to the amount of actual body fat one has–a linebacker who has huge muscles and little body fat could easily be obese by the standards of /br /I recently had my body fat tested–you know, when they pull out the a href=”″ body fat calipers/aimg src=”” width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” / and pinch different areas of your body to see how much fat you have–I was amazed at how high mine was. I won’t bore you with the exact percentage, but let’s just say that my body has a lot in common with a 200 pound woman. I have no idea why my body fat is so high–the lowest it has ever been (17%) was after I gave birth to my daughter. I have always been a bit of an anomaly so I don’t take these tests too seriously. Unfortunately, many insurance companies and doctors do and this makes for a lot of discrimination against people who are in otherwise good health and not necessarily obese.



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