No, Conservatism Isn't Like Nazism. (Sigh...)

A swastika was carved on a golf course in Lakeville, Massachusetts, this month with the message, “I (swastika) Obama.”

I guess that’s supposed to be the work of some evil, racist, right-winger. (Yawn.) I contend that it was some unimaginative, Kool-Aid drinking liberal that doesn’t understand that Nancy Pelosi wanted them to be a bit more original when framing conservatives for hate speech. Someone from the National Endowment for the Arts should break from creating propaganda to oversee the next dastardly “conservative” hate-scrawl and add some panache.


Anyone who has seen the fantastically funny anti-Obama signs from the march on D.C. would know a conservative with a golf course canvas could do a lot better than scratching out a piece of tired, liberal rhetoric with a golf shoe.

On a side note, I take issue with the notion that there are any conservatives left in Massachusetts brave enough to go out after dark.

So here we are with Hitler, Nazis, and swastikas again. Really? Again? It’s like a dog with a stick — no matter how many times you toss it out, liberals keep running after it and bringing it back. I’m beginning to think that’s all they’ve got. Here are four debunked liberal talking points to show why it’s completely ridiculous that a conservative would be ideologically inclined to such stupidity:

1. Conservatives only want the rich to succeed.

False. Conservatives want everyone to succeed. They believe free market capitalism achieves the best outcomes for all individuals. They also believe lower taxes for everyone leads to more economic freedom.

Capitalism isn’t necessarily a “for-profit” concept; it’s an exchange mechanism designed to allow individuals to negotiate a win/win situation for themselves. Let’s say you go into your boss’ office to negotiate a 10 percent raise and you come out with a 7 percent raise plus an extra week of vacation days. If that deal is acceptable to both you and your boss, then you’ve just engaged in capitalism.


Leaving arbitration to labor unions means you have no say in the deals made on your behalf. You may not be adequately compensated because the union could have secured a health care plan with your salary package that isn’t needed. If you can get health insurance for your family through your spouse’s employer, then your health care package is redundant and you’re salary isn’t enough for your position. You may also be charged union dues that go towards campaign contributions for a political party that you don’t support.

Individuals negotiating on behalf of themselves = capitalism and economic freedom.

Lower taxes mean more money in your pocket. If people could keep more of the money they earn to invest in their own retirement (rather than in social security) they’d have more money at retirement and to leave to their heirs.

Lower taxes for the “rich” (mostly small business owners who don’t actually pocket all that moolah) means they have more money to give you a raise or expand their business to employ more people. Voila! Economic growth for everyone!

2. Conservatives hate minorities.

False. Conservatives don’t hate anyone; they believe in fairness to all. Not only does that mean that we shouldn’t be unfair to people, but that we shouldn’t favor particular groups either.

Our founding documents make it clear that all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights. Our government also ensures a free public education to all. Anything more, and you’re “giving a man a fish” rather than “teaching him how to fish” for himself.


As for “illegal aliens,” purported by the left to mean racial hatred rather than an immigration issue: We have laws in America; it’s what keeps a civilization from falling into anarchy. We welcome all that enter through the front door. While it’s understandable that Hispanics want to flee the drug cartels’ chokehold on Mexico, it’s not our situation to fix. Quite frankly, if the border fence had gone up 40 years ago, Mexico might have flourished as a nation.

Had conservative ideology been in play at the onset of illegal border-crossing, the border would have been secured, by a fence if necessary. This would have been done to keep out the drugs crossing our borders that made the cartels wealthy enough to have taken over Mexico in the first place. That would have been the moral thing to do. Now, Mexico is in ruins and we have millions of people in our country being demeaned as the new ethnic voting block of “victims” by the Democrat Party. All this, in the name of “compassion.”

3. Conservatism was the ideology of Nazis.

False. This statement says more about those who are doing the comparison than about those being likened to Nazis. Anyone, on either side of politics, calling someone a Nazi has no depth of compassion whatsoever for the horrors perpetrated on Jews and everyone else caught in the wake of genocide.


Conservatives do not hold people down, and they certainly have no plans of wiping an entire race from existence. Accusations like this show a lack of character and an inability to comprehend the depths of human suffering.

What about conservative “fascists?” Funny you bring that up.

Well, conservatives have been called that too. The term “fascist” is as slippery to pin down as an oyster on a plate of butter, but I’ll try. The only country to actually claim that it was fascist was Italy under Benito Mussolini.

Leftists like to say that since Mussolini said, “Socialism, as a doctrine, is already dead,” that he must be from … the right wing! Nope. He took over corporations, businesses, banks, public works, and consolidated land under government control. Now, I could be wrong, but that sounds a lot like socialism/communism to me.

The aspect of socialism that Mussolini actually disliked was class warfare. So that makes him definitely not a Marxist … but still a socialist.

In fact, Mussolini really admired U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. According to Jonah Goldberg, in the book Liberal Fascism, Mussolini reviewed FDR’s book Looking Forward and said:

“This guy is one of us. … The appeal to the decisiveness and masculine sobriety of the nation’s youth, with which Roosevelt here calls his readers to battle, is reminiscent of the ways and means by which Fascism awakened the Italian people.” Mussolini wrote that FDR understood that the economy could not “be left to its own devices” and saw the fascistic nature of how the American president put this understanding into practice. “Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.”


As I recall, FDR is the darling of left-wingers and the Democrat Party in general. To be fair, Roosevelt was really an early Progressive as was the Republican president, Woodrow Wilson. Back then, it was just flat-out cool to believe in a “third way.”

4. Conservatives are fanatical Christians who want to use the government to proselytize.

False. There are Christian conservatives and Christian socialists. The difference is how they choose to fulfill their mandate for charity. Christian conservatives choose to be “cheerful givers” (2 Corinthians 9:7) of their own accord, and Christian socialists want to give government the responsibility to take care of the needy by decree. So apparently this beef is more with socialist Christians than with conservatives.

Conservatives in general have an appreciation for the historical significance of our Judeo-Christian founding and system of laws. They do not feel the need for revisionist history to erase the facts of religion in American government to support a misunderstood concept of separation of church and state.

John Adams once said, “Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” Conservatives simply agree.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings about American conservatives. I’m sure liberals don’t mean to disparage them in any way.



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