Chronicling the creeping demise of Diversity™, Equity™, and Inclusion™, otherwise known as institutionalized racism.
‘Threading the needle’
It seems that many of the corporations that have ostensibly caved to Trump’s efforts to restore the basic American (and classical liberal) principle of individual merit over group identity have been quietly playing a double game — what NBC News delicately reports as “threading the needle.”
Via NBC News (emphasis added):
Several U.S. retailers that publicly scrapped diversity, equity and inclusion programs — including Target, Amazon and Tractor Supply — are maintaining certain efforts behind the scenes.
The three retailers, while they’ve ended DEI programs on paper, have told advocacy groups and individuals they will continue to offer financial support for some LGBTQ+ Pride and racial justice events, as well as provide internal support for resource groups for underrepresented employees…
Companies are “trying to thread the needle — stay true to corporate values, satisfy various stakeholders, but reduce legal risk,”* said Jason C. Schwartz, an employment law partner at Gibson Dunn who advises corporate clients on their DEI policies.
*The only way these corporations are likely going to be made to heel in terms of truly abandoning DEI is by getting the bejesus sued out of them for discrimination.
As I’ve noted before, the true test of whether these amoral multinational corporations are truly committed to ending their racist and discriminatory social engineering projects will come this June, when Pride™ Month rolls out — and/or the next time a junkie of color overdoses in the street and the corporate state media blames a white cop in order to foment a race war.
Related: New Hollywood Hate Flick: White People ‘The Most Dangerous Animal on the Planet’
Tractor Supply, which sells home and garden supplies and clothing to farmers and ranchers, in June ended a DEI program that had aimed to help put people of color in management roles and boost funding to education programs for Black Americans. It also ceased gathering data on its workforce for the Human Rights Campaign’s annual Corporate Equality Index, a benchmarking tool that rates American businesses on their treatment of LGBTQ+ workers and customers. A Tractor Supply spokesperson told Reuters it “remained steadfast” in its “purposeful decision to remove perceived political and social agendas” from its business.
But Keayana Robinson, the contractor who led the diversity data collection at Tractor Supply, told Reuters the retailer offered to keep her on in an undefined role that would be “as closely aligned as possible” to the DEI work she had been doing.
Managers assured her that Tractor Supply’s inclusivity initiatives — particularly its resource groups for underrepresented employees — would continue, Robinson said.
“I don’t want to work for an organization that wants to hide me,” she said.**
**This is how quickly these people are willing to bite the hand that feeds. Tractor Supply paid this person — probably handsomely — for years to conduct her nonsense “diversity data collection” study to appease the arsonists at the so-called Human Rights Campaign.
Instead of showing a modicum of gratitude for all the cash she raked in for her quasi-work, the second they offer to keep her on doing basically the same thing but with a slightly less ostentatious veneer to avoid getting sued into oblivion on her account, she turns on them and complains to the press that she “doesn’t want to work for an organization that hides her.”
Goldman Sachs drops entire DEI section from annual report
Via Reuters (emphasis added):
Goldman Sachs has dropped an entire section dedicated to "diversity and inclusion" from its annual filing released on Thursday, as Wall Street firms dial back their diversity initiatives after President Donald Trump took charge.
"We have made certain adjustments to reflect developments in the law in the U.S.," CEO David Solomon said in a statement.
The bank's previously set five-year "aspirational hiring and representation goals" are set to expire this year, the report stated.
Related: Bank of America CEO Calls for 'Global ESG Standards' at Davos
Goldman Sachs, like so many of its peers, has been a major sponsor of the annual sodomy festivals that have taken over every major American downtown every summer for over a decade now. As with all of these mega-corporations, again, a very real litmus test of its newfound commitment to normalcy is going to be whether it ditches its ornate transvestite shrines come June.
Goldman Sachs got tha pride flag up it’s that serious
— May (@May0rMayNot) June 3, 2024