
The #Bodypositivity Annals Vol. II: ‘Fatmisia’

AP Photo/John Minchillo

(Continued from Pt. I)

Intelligence dossiers on the heifers’ and their comrades’ heavy-handed Social Justice™ jihad against fatphobia. 


The standard nomenclature used to describe the persecution the obese endure at the hands of their regular-sized oppressors — “fatphobia” — being woefully insufficient, Social Justice™ scholars have coined a new term that they demand we all be forced to learn for Equity™: “fatmisia.”

The reason for the linguistic shift, as explained below, is that “fatphobia” implies a fear of fat, and therefore stigmatizes the differently mentally abled by lumping what is actually a hate crime in with legitimate phobias (fear of spiders, etc.).

Via Simmons University (emphasis added):

You may be wondering why our guide uses the suffix "misia" instead of the suffix "phobia." If you've not encountered "misia" language before, you may also be wondering what it means. Well never fear! We are more than happy to explain this relatively new shift in language.

The suffix "phobia" comes from the Greek word for "fear of," and so it denotes an intense aversion to the part of the word that precedes it (e.g. arachnophobia is a fear of spiders). Words like "homophobia" or "Islamophobia" are pretty recognizable, and most folks understand them to mean a position or perspective that is prejudicial and discriminatory against LGBTQIA+ identities and the religion of Islam respectively. 

The problem with using "phobia" terms as labels for prejudice is that there are folks who actually have phobias (real anxiety disorders in which someone experiences intense anxiety or fear that they're unable to control—Claustraphobia, for instance). So when we use terms like "homophobia," we are equating bigotry with a mental health disorder, which does several problematic things:

It relies on and reinforces the harmful stigma against mental illness (see the Anti-Ableism and Anti-Sanism tabs to learn more);

It inaccurately attributes oppression and oppressive attitudes to fear rather than to hate and bigotry;

It erases an oppressive person's accountability by implying their actions and attitudes are outside their control.

So since labeling oppression with "phobia" suffixes is harmful, many folks are exchanging them for "misia" suffixes instead. Misia (pronounced "miz-eeya") comes from the Greek word for hate or hatred, so similar to how Islamophobia means "fear of Islam," the more accurate Islamomisia means "hatred of Islam." (Similarly, descriptors such as "transphobic" and "transphobe" become "transmisic" and "transmisiac.")

Related: ‘Critical Disability Studies’ Professor: Fatphobia ‘Undergirds’ Ozempic Craze

Gigantic lady on motorized cart gets herself in a pickle in grocery store door

Because, as far as I understand, this person is not actually any kind of fat activist, I don’t want to make fun of her; derision should be reserved for those who seek to normalize unhealthy behaviors under the guise of tolerance.

However, I would note that, after getting herself stuck in the human-sized door, she clearly demonstrates the capacity to walk as she exits her cart and makes her way into the parking lot.

Captain Obvious might ask: You clearly need to lose weight, so why are you riding that thing around and not walking? Can walking around the grocery store even be considered exercise if it’s just literally part of your everyday errands? 

To be fair, it might be hard for her to sustain thirty minutes of walking. But she could take a breather, walk with a cane, something. Relying on motorized carts is probably part of what got her in this position in the first place, and it’s certainly not going to dig her out of the hole.

Related: Why Not Declare Obesity a 'Public Health Emergency'?

Fat activist does TikTok: ‘Dinner for my loud kids as a 27 y/o mom of 3’

This whopper of a lady plops three boxes of what appears to be No one outpizzas the hut™ Pizza Hut pie on the counter, which she then doles out to her young children one by one. (She also douses them in ranch for good measure.)

I was initially confused as to what the purpose of this display might be until the title flashed: “Dinner for my loud kids as a 27 y/o mom of 3.”

My best guess, putting on my psychotherapist hat, is that she harbors some guilt about feeding her kids this slop out of convenience, so garnering emotional support through an online “community” by virtue-signaling that she’s an overworked, presumably single mother is her form of coping.

She might be soothing her cognitive dissonance, but she’s certainly not doing her kids any favors.


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