
Sodom and Gomorrica Vol. IV: Groomer’s Paradise

Daderot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Documenting the West’s descent into Satanic receivership. 

UK: Psychologist specializing in transing children caught grooming underage victim, retains license

Via Daily Mail (emphasis added):

A child psychologist at the controversial Tavistock hospital trust remains free to practise despite being caught grooming a schoolboy for sex in a park.

Dr Ross Canade was entrusted to treat youngsters' mental health as lead psychologist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which became infamous for its gender clinic helping children to transition to a different sex.

Canade was snared by a group of self-styled 'paedophile hunters' in an online sting after he sent sexually explicit messages to a youngster who told him he was aged 15...

Canade pleaded guilty on July 29 to attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming. On Monday, he was handed a 12-month suspended sentence by a judge at Wood Green Crown Court…

However the Mail can reveal that despite his conviction for child sex offences, Dr Canade has not been suspended by the regulator which oversees his profession.

Anyone wishing to hire him to treat vulnerable children would find that, according to the website of the Health and Care Professions Council, he remains registered to practise, without any conditions. It is the council's job to keep the public safe from rogue psychologists.

Related: WHO Promotes 'Early Childhood Masturbation' in Official Sex Ed Guidance

Seven Arizona schools caught subverting policy, socially transitioning children behind parents’ backs

Somewhere in the administrative offices of these school districts, deep in their lairs, Social Justice™ activists masquerading as educators devise the most bizarre and labyrinthine schemes to avoid having to tell parents when their kids get transed in public school — forever one step ahead, even in the reddest places, of parents’ rights groups and school boards who try to keep them in check.

Via Daily Signal (emphasis added):

Seven Arizona school districts have policies mandating staff hide students’ “transgender” identity from their parents, according to documents newly obtained by Parents Defending Education and shared with The Daily Signal.

Parents Defending Education, a parental rights organization, keeps a list of school districts across the country that openly instruct school districts to conceal a student’s transgender status from parents…

In a presentation titled “Title IX and Transgender Students: Bathrooms, Athletics, and More” obtained by Parents Defending Education, staff learned that while they can’t encourage children to keep information from their parents, they are under no obligation to proactively disclose information to parents.

The presentation says that “any attempt to encourage or coerce a minor child to withhold information from the child’s parent is grounds for discipline of an employee of this state, any political subdivision of this state, any other governmental entity or any other institution, except for law enforcement personnel.” 

The slide goes on to say that there is “no obligation to disclose information to parents, no right to withhold it.”

The training says staff are mandated to use students’ preferred pronouns, then says, “Parent preference outweighs student preference, but schools have no obligation to seek it out.”

Related: Undercover Video Exposes Pornhub’s Child-Grooming Strategy

Report: Tens of thousands of children ‘transitioned’ in the U.S. over last four years, hundreds of millions of dollars   generated in revenue

Catherine Salgado covered this earlier for PJ Media.

Kids today have “been spending most their lives living in a groomer’s paradise,” to paraphrase gangsta rapper Coolio.

Via Do No Harm Medicine:

Today, Do No Harm launched a first-of-its-kind national database of hospitals and medical facilities administering irreversible sex change interventions on children in the United States.

The Stop the Harm Database can be found at and catalogs pediatric sex change-related services, including surgeries, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers, at U.S.-based medical facilities between 2019 and 2023. The data is searchable by state and facility…

  • 13,994 children received sex change related treatments. 
  • 5,747 sex change surgeries performed on children.
  • 62,682 hormone and puberty blockers prescriptions written for 8,579 pediatric patients.
  • At least $119,791,202 made from sex change treatments performed on minors.

Related: Shock Survey: Almost One-Third of Gen Z Now Gender-Queer

First transgender Stormtrooper makes rainbow history

For Diversity™ bonus points, in addition to the transgender baby blue and purple color scheme on the uniform, the thing is also vaguely ethnic-looking with dreadlocks.

Inclusivity™ in Space.

Early Decision: Transphobic Meme of the Year 2024

Granted, it’s only October, but I’m willing to bestow the first ever and highly coveted PJ Media Transphobic Meme of the Year Award two months early because I don’t honestly believe this can be topped in my book.


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