
In Order to Save German Democracy, One Must Ban German Democracy

Ralf Hirschberger/dpa via AP

Make it make sense, please.

When “Democracy™” means the political establishment comprised of ostensibly rival parties all aligned to collude to banish the second-most-popular party in the country, the plot may have been lost somewhere along the way.

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Via Remix News (emphasis added):

Germany is heading closer to outright fascism as the establishment parties move to completely ban the rival Alternative for Germany party (AfD), currently the second-strongest party in the country, according to polling. Now, 10 MPs from four parties, each, totaling 40 MPs from the Christian Democrats (CDU), the Left Party, the Greens, and the Social Democrats (SPD) will put forward a motion to ban the party because it is a “threat to democracy.”

The motion was drawn up by Saxon CDU MP Marco Wanderwitz, who personally lost his local election to an AfD politician but is only in parliament because he was also included on the CDU’s election list. As Remix News has reported, he has been working for at least a year to gather enough support from members of parliament to pass a ban on the AfD

The question now is whether there is a majority of MPs who are willing to ban the party in the parliament. The ban motion indicates that the AfD wants to abolish the free democratic order with an “actively combative and aggressive attitude.” It is unclear if there is a majority of MPs who would pass the motion, but there are those who disagree with the motion.

“Combative and aggressive” as in… doing away with your democratically elected political opposition by fiat?

Meanwhile, the German state is about ten billion Euros shy of meeting its “citizen money” obligations for 2025 — “citizen money” being a euphemism for welfare cash that disproportionately goes to non-citizens. The federal government’s defense for itself is that it has offloaded all excess costs to individual cities, and so therefore it’s a moot point.

Via Remix (emphasis added):

The German federal government has “miscalculated” billions in welfare payments, known as citizens’ money, with their initial estimate of €36 billion far short of the €46 billion reportedly needed.

In documents obtained by Bild newspaper, the German labor ministry assumes an average of 2.9 million people are in need of welfare parents in the documents for the “2025 budget,” dated from August 2024. However, this document indicates that the expenditure on standard rates and accommodation costs is expected to total €45.6 billion, which is a far cry from the €36 billion set in the 2025 citizen’s allowance budget.

The huge discrepancy has sparked outrage, but Hubertus Heil’s (SPD) labor ministry told Bild that the figures published “are not comprehensible and are methodologically based on several false assumptions… For example, a significant portion of the costs of accommodation are to be covered by the municipalities and are therefore not relevant to the federal budget in the amount stated.”

However, Heil’s denial did not specify how far off Bild’s figures were, and notably, Bild was citing internal documents from the ministry itself.

The huge sums paid out due to citizens’ money has become a politically explosive subject, first due to the enormous costs it is placing on the German taxpayers, second due to the fact that the German economy is facing a worker shortage, and third due to the huge number of foreigners taking advantage of this welfare system, as half of all recipients are foreigners and many of the others who are German citizens also have a migration background*.

Related: Germany: Gang Rapes Hit Record High, Up to Half Committed by Migrants

*This is a common trick these compromised EU governments use: turn the “migrant” into a certified German citizen for accounting purposes — and suddenly the statistics skew in favor of official narratives. They do the same thing with rape statistics; no sane person who follows German politics would actually believe that real Germans are committing half of the gang rapes there.


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