
‘Disaster Equity’

AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

In case you are wondering why FEMA sucks at its job…

It’s because intersectional feminists straight out of postgraduate liberal arts programs are running the show.

FEMA training manager Tyler Atkins (he/they) — a gender-queer knockoff of that lovable dork from Game of Thrones who had to join the Night’s Watch for some reason I don’t remember, but much more oppressed — was joined by HHS cat lady Maggie Jarry (her pussycat was literally making a ruckus in the background) to lament together, against the backdrops of their official respective agencies’ logos, the visceral injustice of transphobic hurricanes that target alphabet people.

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He/they/it kicks things off, explaining that transgenders as weather hate crime victims “isn’t being talked about,” “isn’t being socialized” properly:

LGBTQIA people and people who have been disadvantaged already are struggling, they already have their own things to deal with. So you add a disaster on top of that, it’s just compounding on itself. And I think that is the why of why we’re having this discussion. It isn’t being talked about, it isn’t being socialized, we’re not paying attention to this.

He/they/it then passes the baton to the HHS cat lady, who, channeling the Karamel-uh entity, delivers a very longwinded word salad about “the shift in emergency management from utilitarian principles… to disaster equity”:

Yeah, there a couple of things that are intersecting in my mind* here. One of them is the culture of emergency management as an organization and industry in the United States specifically, not abroad. Um, this has, and my cat sometimes does this, she gets really loud suddenly, so you’ll just have to allow for a little meowing in the background. The, uh, you know, the shift that we’re seeing right now is the shift in emergency management from utilitarian principles where everything is designed for the greatest good, for the greatest amount of people, to disaster equity, uh, but we have to do more, and so this topic is intersecting, I think, with a number of other topics, where we have to look at policies and understand to what extend that have disadvantaged communities that have less access, communities that have pre-existing vulnerabilities in accessing disaster-related recovery support.

*Everything “intersects” in these people’s minds, all the time, just as everything is “systemic.”

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It’s unclear how “disaster equity” would play out in the real world apart from simply denying flyover scum any aid — which is almost certainly the gist of what these people are proposing.

For one thing, alphabet people, as far as I’m aware, aren’t a “community” in the sense that they are geographically fenced off from the normie population.

For another thing, literally anyone can declare they are gender-queer at any time, according to their own ideology. “Assuming gender” is a hate crime to these people, so presumably they would have to go door-to-door asking for gender identities and then making aid decisions on that basis.

I could think of further logistical hurdles, but I think you get the point.


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