
Gwen Walz the Latest Leftist Lady Politician to Infantilize the Public

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Probably a huge chunk of the Democratic voting base enjoys being cooed to by their gynecological overlords. Personally, I find it distasteful and patronizing. I can’t imagine hundreds of millions of my fellow Americans don’t feel the same.

This is what I’m talking about — a Sesame Street routine from hell delivered by a lady with pupils the size of Wisconsin, Gwen Walz (CCP-Minn.).

Via Mediaite (emphasis added):

Conservatives on social media mocked Gwen Walz, first lady of Minnesota, for a flamboyant gesture during a speech where she told voters to “turn the page” on Donald Trump.

Tim Walz was joined by his wife at a speech in Wisconsin on Saturday where the couple slammed Donald Trump and called on voters to end his candidacy in 52 days. Walz then began coaching the audience to begin chanting, “turn the page” this election.

So I’m going to be watching you because when I see Wisconsin and I want to watch you nationally on TV because it’s been pretty important place in Minnesota, help you practice with this,” Walz shouted to the crowd. “You just show me this. Turn the page. Right. Turn the page. And you know what else that looks like?”

Tampon Tim, an ornament to the display, claps like a brokeback, well-trained seal behind her. I have to believe he understands how poorly this is going to play with a larger audience, as you can see him try to start to clap to wrap things up — although not daring, obviously, to interrupt her. God only knows what psychological terror this woman has wrought on Tim behind closed doors.

One recalls a similar display of pathological infantilization of the public by one Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016, when she encouraged — demanded — the youth of the nation to “Pokemon Go” to the polls to vote for her, with tragic results in November.

Via Business Insider, July 2016 (emphasis added):

Hillary Clinton made a reference to "Pokémon Go" on the campaign trail Thursday. Seriously.

Speaking at an event in Virginia, the presumptive Democratic nominee said "we're going to have a lot of jobs" if she were elected.

"Jobs, from building infrastructure to coding," Clinton said. "Creating new apps."

She added: "I don't know who created 'Pokémon Go,' but I am trying to figure out how we get them to have 'Pokémon Go' to the polls.

RelatedHillary Claims ‘Climate Change’ Killed 500,000 Last Year, ‘Particularly Pregnant Women’

We could probably go really deep into the psychological abyss here, and admittedly I don’t know that I’m equipped to navigate these murky waters. I’m sure the fact that the new leadership of the Democrat Party is largely childless has some role to play. But, whatever this brand of feminist politics is, it’s dark and it’s new.


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