
Democrats Would Be up the River Without Trump

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

They can’t live with him, can’t live without him. Definitely can’t quit him.

What would become of the donkeys if Trump ever exited the political stage? What would the current election cycle look like if that bullet trajectory had been a few centimeters askew? Around what cause would Blue MAGA rally if the Great Satan were no more?

TDS is the duct tape barely holding the façade of an actual party with an actual ideology together.

For that matter, where would the corporate state media — functionally the propaganda arm for the Democrat Party — be without Trump?


  • Once Trump is gone, the Democrat Party will descend into an existential crisis as its voters realize its self-professed values are hollow talking points designed to scapegoat half the country rather than unite and lead the nation with any coherent ideology
  • Once Trump is gone, MSNBC and CNN ratings will dip lower than they’ve ever been — numbers that would kill any legitimate enterprise but won’t be an existential crisis for these networks because they’ll just be propped up for various corporate interests (mostly pharmaceutical companies) to function as rolling infomercials disguised as news. The ratings are an ancillary concern, in that conventional incentive structures don’t apply as neatly to these endeavors.

It might be gratuitous, but I will never pass up the opportunity to dredge this glorious and humiliating (for Brian Stelter) clip out of the depths of the internet.

Via The Hill, October 2018 (emphasis added):

CNN “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter this week pushed back on former ABC “Nightline” anchor Ted Koppel’s argument that CNN’s ratings “would be in the toilet” if Donald Trump wasn’t president.

CNN’s media correspondent said he believes the cable news business “is more complex” than Koppel made it seem with the comment.

The back-and-forth stems from Koppel’s commentary during an event at the National Press Club on Monday night, when Koppel said Trump “had been wonderful for the industry.”

Stelter argued that the press is being targeted as part of a “hate movement” spearheaded by the president, who regularly decries the news media as “fake news” and “the enemy of the people.”

“He has been wonderful for the industry,” said Koppel, who currently serves as a CBS contributor.

“But that means what?” responded Stelter, a staunch critic of the Trump. “If ratings are up, that means what?”

“It means you can’t do without Donald Trump,” Koppel replied. “You would be lost without Donald Trump.”

“Ted, you know that’s not true,” Stelter said.

CNN’s ratings would be in the toilet without Donald Trump,” Koppel declared.

RelatedHuman-Potato Hybrid Brian Stelter Back at CNN

CNN ratings are already in the toilet; they would be non-existent without Trump.

Of course, the reason they can’t talk about anything other than the orange fascist is that what policy the party and its media allies actually represent is repugnant both to its own base and to the population at large: endless foreign wars, corporate cronyism, censorship, mass surveillance, child trannyism, etc.

So all they’re left with to run on are drive-thru abortions, Two Minutes Hate fests directed at Trump, and Democracy™ — defined by, apparently, tossing out the duly elected nominee halfway through the race and then installing via backroom dealing a historically unpopular woman who never got above three percent in the last primary.

This is not the stuff of sustainable political coalitions.


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