Human-Potato Hybrid Brian Stelter Back at CNN

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

CNN has managed to put Humpty Dumpty back together again after abandoning him on the side of the information superhighway two years ago.

Via Variety (emphasis added):


In an email to subscribers of CNN’s “Reliable Sources” media newsletter, Stelter said he will be returning as the lead author of the publication he founded in 2015. He said he will relaunch the newsletter on Sept. 9. In addition, Stelter will make on-air appearances on CNN as a commentator and create “digital content.”

Under CNN’s previous leadership regime, the news network parted ways with Stelter after cancelling the TV show (also called “Reliable Sources”) in 2022. Stelter returns to pick up the mantle of “Reliable Sources” newsletter after the exit last month of Oliver Darcy, who had come aboard to work on the newsletter and was assigned to keep the newsletter moving…

“But this is not going to be a ‘Back to the Future’ remake,” Stelter wrote in the email Tuesday. “The media industry has matured, CNN has evolved, and I have changed a lot since I signed off two years ago. I loved my old life as the anchor of a Sunday morning show but, to borrow some lingo from my video game blogger days, I finished that level of the game. Time for new levels, new challenges.”

Stelter said he’s returning to CNN in a new role as chief media analyst, “which means I’ll be appearing on air, developing digital content, and helming this newsletter. It will be different, because I am different.”

*Stelter, by all appearances, is just as obese and bald and unbearably smugnorant as he’s always been, so it remains to be seen if he will make good on this pledge.

In the intervening years after being fired, Stelter spent his time trying to worm his way back into the ruling class’s good graces, having gained no greater self of purpose or self-worth than he left CNN with, which is approximately none.


RelatedDisgraced CNN News Actor/Human-Potato Hybrid Brian Stelter Re-Emerges at Davos

A bit of schadenfreude: Stelter gets righteously bullied on his own show by Michael Wolff.


I think the media has done a terrible job… you’re full of sanctimony. You become one of the parts of the problem with the media. You come on here and you have a monopoly on truth, you know exactly how things are supposed to be done, you are one of the reasons people can’t stand the media. It’s your fault…”

Don’t talk to much. Listen more. People have genuine problems with the media… the media doesn’t get the story right… You’re incredibly repetitive… week after week…. There’s a problem here. Figuring out what is real is not so easy. And most people don’t want to turn to Brian Stelter to tell us what’s real.

Stelter once tried to convince a panel of media experts that CNN executives don’t pander to their TDS-riddled audience for ratings, only to have them laugh in his pudgy face.


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