
Public Trust in Vaxxes Drops as Media Pimps New Shots

AP Photo/Cliff Owen

After being lied to for years, apparently some Americans have caught on to the scam and are rethinking blindly trusting Public Health™ experts pushing shots while they are simultaneously funded by the same interests selling them.

Related: HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions

Via Children's Health Defense (emphasis added):

U.S. Americans’ trust in vaccines — especially COVID-19 vaccines — has dropped, according to a survey conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

The survey results detail the most recent wave of responses — collected in July — from a nationally representative sample of 1,496 adults, most of whom have been routinely surveyed in the project since April 2021. Roughly 100 of the adults were added after 2021 due to attrition of the survey’s initial participants.

In addition to showing an overall decline in willingness to vaccinate, the results showed what an Annenberg Public Policy Center press release called a “greater acceptance of Covid vaccine misinformation.”

The survey report did not define “misinformation” but described it in passing as a “science-inconsistent response.”

The Annenberg Public Policy Center did not immediately respond when The Defender asked for a clearer definition.”

"U.S. Americans"?

While simultaneously acknowledging that, because the virus constantly mutates, the booster of the day doesn’t protect against the current strain (which has been common knowledge for viruses like the flu for hundreds of years by now), Politico got CDC Director and brutal vaxx authoritarian Mandy Cohen to claim that “doesn’t mean it’s ineffective.”

Via Politico (emphasis added):

“One of the challenges of today is just that people aren’t going to get vaccinated,” said Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist and director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. “Most people are confused. They don’t really understand what’s happening or what the risk to them is,” when it comes to Covid…

The FDA asked the vaccine manufacturers in June to incorporate the KP.2 strain into their formulas because it was the prevalent form of the virus at the time. Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s vaccines both target KP.2, but related subvariants, KP.3 and KP.3.1.1 — now the most prevalent strains — are estimated to account for more than half of U.S. cases, according to the CDC.

Osterholm said the virus has changed quickly in recent years, which means by the time a new vaccine comes out, the strain it was engineered against is no longer dominant.

That doesn’t mean it’s ineffective, said CDC Director Mandy Cohen, who recommended everyone older than 6 months get their Covid (and flu) shot “in September or October ahead of the expected increases in both viruses this winter.”…

Last year’s vaccine offered 54 percent protection against symptomatic Covid infections, according to a CDC study.

Nothing says “safe and effective” like 54% efficacy!

It’s frankly unsettling that any Americans are still buying this nonsense — that they could read an article in which the reason why these shots don’t work is clearly explained, followed immediately by a direct contradiction of that stated fact by the top public health official, and somehow come away with the impression that they need to get shot up.

Public education is probably to blame, in large part. Oceans of pharmaceutical lobbying and advertising cash don’t help either.  


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