
Peter Hotez Ironically Attacks Science

AP Photo/John Mone

When even Stanford, in your estimation as an unelected Public Health™ demigod, is a bastion of “anti-science” “revisionist history,” it might be time to consider that you’re off the reservation and have lost your hold on the narrative.

Stanford University is set to host a symposium on October 4 covering what went wrong or right with the public health pandemic response in an open dialogue that, frankly, should have happened about four years ago.

RelatedWHO Accuses Anti-Vaxxers of 'Anti-Science Aggression,' Calls Them 'Killing Force'

Via Stanford Health Policy (emphasis added):

Bringing together esteemed academics, public health practitioners, journalists, and government officials from all sides of the COVID-19 policy debate in conversation with one another with an eye toward reforms in science and public health to better serve the public.

With millions of lives lost, the COVID-19 pandemic wrought havoc on the world. Despite decades of planning for the “next” pandemic, public health systems faced tremendous stress and often buckled and failed. Universities served as centers for valuable scientific work but failed to support their academic freedom mission by sponsoring vigorous discussion and debate on matters of pandemic policy. To do better in the next pandemic, we need to learn the lessons of the COVID-19 era.

The vanguards of The Science™ are none too pleased with the prospect. 

Via Science-Based Medicine (emphasis added):

If there was one thing that I would not have predicted—but, arguably, should have been able to predict—regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s the degree to which my fellow academics, particularly physicians and scientists, would contribute to public fear, misunderstanding, and doubt about public health interventions utilized to mitigate the worst of the pandemic. If I had been able to predict the level of complicity of my fellow academics in advocating for just letting the disease rip in a futile bid to achieve “natural herd immunity,” opposing tried-and-true interventions to slow the spread of respiratory diseases (e.g., masking) using a narrow fundamentalist interpretation of evidence-based medicine (EBM), promoting unproven “repurposed drugs” as near miracle cures, and even fear mongering about vaccines, I might have been able to predict that Stanford University would end up being the epicenter of such activities, if only because of its tight affiliation with the right wing think tank, The Hoover Institution. If that weren’t enough, then the fact that one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, the document advocating a “let ‘er rip” approach to the pandemic promising “natural herd immunity” in six months, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, is Stanford faculty should have helped. So should the fact that Dr. John Ioannidis, formerly the greatest EBM guru (whom I once admired) who very early in the pandemic took a heel turn in favor of minimizing how dangerous COVID-19 was and advocating—you guessed it—”natural herd immunity” approaches to the pandemic.

Among those apoplectic about the Public Health™ authorities perhaps being forced to defend their brutal lockdown/masking/mandatory vax policies is none other than Dr. Peter Hotez, self-anointed commissar of all things COVID-19 now that Anthony Fauci has retired and apparently been stricken with West Nile Virus.

Hotez has me blocked on X for reasons unknown to me but that probably have something to do with my journalism, so I had to pull this quote off of a Kim Iversen video, which he followed later in the thread with a promotional post for his stupid book, “The Deadly Rise of Anti-science: A Scientist's Warning”:

My goodness, what is happening at Stanford? This is awful, a full-on anti-science agenda (and revisionist history), tone deaf to how this kind of rhetoric contribute to the deaths of thousands of Americans during the pandemic by convincing them to shun vaccines or minimize COVID. 

 “Revisionist history!”

Glass houses, stones, etc.

Let us recall with awe and horror in montage form the exploits of this notorious huckster throughout the COVID-19 vax scam.



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