
Playing Russian Roulette With Raw Eggs?

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall, File

Am I playing Russian Roulette with raw eggs? 

The electric stove — which the governing authorities alleged is superior to a gas stove — in my residence quit working for a little while, so I started eating (or drinking, rather) eggs raw. I expected, based on years of conditioning, that I could contract salmonella and spontaneously die at any moment. But, protein being protein, I took the risk.

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My mother warned me, as Cleveland Clinic does, that raw eggs are dangerous, even against stunningly low odds of contracting salmonella.

Via Cleveland Clinic (emphasis added):

“It’s not super common — 1 in 20,000 eggs has Salmonella,” says Czerwony. “But you don’t want to be the person who eats that one egg.”

The side effects of contracting salmonella aren’t pleasant, she adds. “You can get diarrhea and cramps. You may start vomiting. That can cause you to get dehydrated. You really could have some severe health issues.”

Salmonella outbreaks come from many food sources in addition to raw eggs, though, including unwashed produce, raw meat and even prepackaged goods.

19,999-to-one odds in the Vegas world is about the closest to a sure thing you can get.

Anyway, on the off-chance one contracts the devastating disease of salmonella poisoning, what happens? Is it a death sentence?

Via Mayo Clinic (emphasis added):

Some people with salmonella infection have no symptoms. Most people develop diarrhea, fever and stomach (abdominal) cramps within 8 to 72 hours after exposure. Most healthy people recover within a few days to a week without specific treatment.

So… like a common cold, then? (to paraphrase the based black gentleman who refused to succumb to Fauci’s lies when he knocked on his door for a minority-outreach publicity stunt).

(Note how Fauci propagates the lie, once more, that the vaccinated can’t spread COVID to the unvaxxed — a lie he has never been made to pay for.)

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On the contrary, the selenium content in raw eggs may be beneficial for men’s reproductive health.

Via LiveStrong (emphasis added): 

Fertility can suffer due to a number of reasons, but swallowing raw eggs might offer benefits if you have trouble conceiving a baby. Raw eggs are a good source of selenium, a mineral that might improve the quality of sperm. A large raw egg has 15.3 mcg of selenium; adults need 55 mcg of this mineral each day. Raw eggs also might benefit male fertility thanks to the vitamin B-12 -- the University of Maryland Medical Center website cites weak research on the positive influence of vitamin B-12 on sperm motility. One large egg contains 0.4 mcg of this vitamin; your body requires 2.4 mcg daily.

The difference between raw eggs and cooked eggs is in the process by which heating them up potentially nullifies some of the nutritional value.

Via LiveStrong (emphasis added):

Scrambled eggs and omelets are the most popular cooked egg styles in the United States, followed by fried and then boiled. Unfortunately, frying is one of the most destructive methods of cooking for the nutrients in eggs, and it's also the cooking method that produces the most glycotoxins.

This is because heat can denature egg proteins and nutrients. In particular, different cooking methods can reduce the amount of proteins, healthy fatty acids and carotenoids you're getting in each egg. Cooking methods can also influence the digestibility of eggs.

Please don’t take this as a license to down raw eggs, contract salmonella, and then blame me. This is just food for thought.


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