
Hated Forced-Masking? You Won’t Believe What They’ve Got in Store For Bird Flu

AP Photo/Daniel Chan

If you hated wearing your Fauci face diaper — and, as an objectively pseudoscientific submission ritual, anyone with common sense did — during the COVID-19 years, you absolutely won’t believe what’s coming down the pike for bird flu.

The real question is: can the Public Health™ authorities enforce the same kind of compliance as they did in 2020, given that their credibility is entirely shot with at least half the population?

Related: Is Congressional Action to Stop Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Research Underway?

Via Forbes (emphasis added): 

An ongoing bird flu outbreak among U.S. dairy cows has led to three confirmed human cases in dairy workers, and although there aren’t any confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission, experts warn safety measures like masks, vaccines and safety goggles will be needed if a pandemic is declared due to the virus’s deadly nature…

Experts have cautioned that if a bird flu pandemic is declared, safety measures will need to be put in place to mitigate the spread. Dr. Donal Bisanzio, a senior epidemiologist with the nonprofit research institute RTI International, told Forbes methods like masking and social distancing should be the first implemented. “Those are all the kinds of interventions we need to put in place to buy time for the vaccine,” Bisanzio said. Justman told Forbes new methods like protective eyewear may be effective safety measures, especially among farm workers who have daily contact with potentially infectious animals.

This here is what they call in the industry “priming the pump” (I don’t actually know if they call it that, because I’m not in the club, but if they don’t, they should) — introducing new draconian restrictions on freedom slowly, first as hypotheticals (“if so and so happens”) only to later make it mandatory.

What is speculation today will be marketed as established fact tomorrow. What is printed in Forbes today, or broadcast on MSNBC, will be issued in edicts by the Public Health™ authorities tomorrow.

As always, the corporate state will trample on as many civil liberties, and to whatever extent, that it believes that it can get away with without incurring a full-on insurrection.

What is the rationale for the new slavery implement?


Because all three U.S. dairy farmers infected with bird flu had eye-related symptoms, including one with upper respiratory symptoms, like pink eye and irritation, indicating the virus may spread when humans touch or rub their eyes with infected hands. She also pointed to a recent CDC bird flu study that found ferrets—that as mammals have similar respiratory tracts to humans—became infected after eye exposure.

In addition to masking and goggling the country in a mass-scale BDSM ritual, the Public Health™ authorities also have been hard at work readying the next wave of so-called vaccines to mandate at the first opportunity, once peak terror has been achieved.


There are several FDA-approved bird flu vaccines, including ones made by CSL Seqirus and Biomedical Corporation of Quebec, a subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals. The U.S. has a stockpile of FDA-approved bird flu vaccines, but they’re not enough to vaccinate the entire country. Seqirus said it expects to have 150 million vaccines ready within six months of an announcement of a human bird flu pandemic.


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