
On the Recent EU Elections and the Great ‘Whiteshift’

AP Photo/Eric Gay

“Replacement migration” — once a term openly and proudly used by proponents of ethnically cleansing Western countries — at some point in the past few years curiously became a “conspiracy theory” once the Deplorables caught on to the hustle and began using it in a critical voice rather than a celebratory one.

So naturally, “replacement migration” is now a term reserved for conspiracy theorists and disinformation spreaders.

But no matter; the social engineers have a new term they’ve been promulgating in recent years: the more innocuous-sounding “whiteshifting,” coined by Canadian academic Eric Kaufmann in his treatise, “Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities,” described thusly on its official website (emphasis added):

Whiteshift" is defined as the turbulent journey from a world of racially homogeneous white majorities to one of racially hybrid majorities. In this data-driven study, political scientist Eric Kaufmann explores how these demographic changes across Western societies are transforming their politics.

The early stages of this transformation have led to a populist disruption, tearing a path through the usual politics of left and right. If we want to avoid more radical political divisions, Kaufmann argues, we have to enable white conservatives as well as cosmopolitans to view whiteshift as a positive development. Kaufmann examines the evidence to explore ethnic change in North American and Western Europe. Tracing four ways of dealing with this transformation—fight, repress, flight, and join—he makes a persuasive call to move beyond empty talk about national identity.

Deeply thought provoking, enriched with illustrative stories, and drawing on detailed and extraordinary survey, demographic, and electoral data, Whiteshift will redefine the way we discuss race in the twenty-first century.

Consider the gaslighting psychological abuse perpetrated by the liberal elite to simultaneously claim that there is no such thing as “replacement migration” and suggesting that this is tantamount to inciting a race war while literally writing books devoted to the whole project of replacing once-majority white nations’ populations with Third World migrants as an act of cultural enrichment or whatever.

Via Vox (emphasis added):

[Eric Kaufmann] provides an ocean of data, from both original research and the broader literature, suggesting that anxiety about demographic change is behind the recent tectonic shifts in Western politics. He carefully works through data on the Brexit vote, the 2016 American election, and rising support for European far-right parties — finding correlations between economic factors and far-right support to be weak and those between demographic threat and far-right support to be strong…

Kaufmann believes the solution to this problem is to make whites more comfortable with rising diversity. Part of this, he argues, will come from the inevitable increase in mixed-race populations. The more whites and nonwhites intermarry, the easier it will be to develop a more inclusive definition of “whiteness” that decreases the sense of threat from migration and diversity.

For anyone who is interested, I wrote my final paper for the University of North Georgia Masters of Arts in International Affairs program, a monstrous 60-page document, on the very topic of mass immigration to Europe driving so-called “far-right” politics on that continent. Because the replacement migration program has been accelerated in Europe, for a variety of reasons, compared to North America, this phenomenon is much more well-documented there, although Trump was clearly an American response to it as well.


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