
Schadenfreude: Chris Cuomo Humiliated in Ivermectin Debate

Townhall Media

CNN male bimbo Chris Cuomo has been on a rehabilitation tour of late, rebranding himself as some kind of independent journalist truth-teller after getting canned from his former network.

This media blitz necessarily involves distancing himself from his more moronic stances over the years, most notably his rabid embrace of The Science™ lies vis a vis COVID-19.

          RelatedThe Problem With News Actors Like Chris Cuomo

What Cuomo realized at some point is that doing his CNN news actor schtick without the institutional backing of the network isn’t going to work in independent media, where you actually have to appeal to people with honesty and integrity and common sense to succeed. Repeating pharmaceutical industry and government talking points is a non-starter; if that’s what people wanted, why wouldn’t they just watch his old network with its higher production value?

The whole transitional project is not going well for him.

The internet remembers what he did.

So do I, and so perhaps do you, and so does Dave Smith, who mercilessly pummeled him on his record while Cuomo attempted to rewrite history.

Via The Gateway Pundit (emphasis added):

During the height of lockdowns while his brother, then-New York Governor Andrew, was essentially murdering nursing home residents by forcing them to share space with COVID-infected patients, Cuomo and his CNN cronies were laughing at Americans for daring to question the accepted narrative on the pandemic.

This included mocking individuals such as Joe Rogan for claiming that Ivermectin (which Cuomo now takes) could effectively treat COVID. However, during the debate, Cuomo lied, claiming he did not like how the media treated Rogan.

Smith did not forget and proceeded to completely humiliate him with help from an old clip showing Don Lemon and Cuomo taunting Rogan for taking ‘horse dewormer’ medicine.

Watch the totally unconvincing mental gymnastics Cuomo tries in an attempt to deny doing what he is on tape doing multiple times: claiming ivermectin is “horse dewormer” even though it’s on the WHO list of essential human medicines and demonizing Joe Rogan for taking doctor-prescribed human ivermectin:

The inability to simply acknowledge one’s past mistakes and offer a sincere apology is not the sign of strength, as Cuomo claims here in justifying his refusal to apologize. It is the insecurity of a weak man. And Chris Cuomo is a pansy; no amount of weightlifting (and possibly steroids) is going to cover up that reality.

In the debate, Cuomo also took it upon himself to deny that the COVID regime he championed on air over and over and over was “totalitarian,” despite the fact that his own colleagues at CNN went on the record saying that life should be made “hard” for the unvaccinated: “I hear your understanding of the pandemic, and I don’t agree. I lived it closer than you in many ways…and there were many mistakes made. The idea that it was a totalitarian regime, that’s hyperbole.”

Never forget what they did to us. Never let Chris Cuomo rewrite history.


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