
Human Rights Campaign Unloads $15 Million For Biden Campaign Effort

AP Photo/Cliff Owen, file

The presumptuously named Human Rights Campaign, which devotes itself to the preeminent neoliberal cause du jour, is now explicitly, nominally in the business of rank partisan electioneering in the service of tipping the electoral scales in favor of the Brandon construct.  

Via NBC News (emphasis added):

The Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ rights group in the United States, is launching a $15 million commitment to help Democratic President Joe Biden defeat Republican Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

The spending blitz, shared first with NBC News, will cover the six key battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. The group says it will include paid ads, staff hires, field campaigns and events in those states, which are poised to decide who wins the presidency and Congress.

And after crunching the numbers, the organization sees warning signs in the form of soft support for Biden in the 2024 electorate.

HRC estimates that this year there will be 75 million “equality voters” — who vote based on support for LGBTQ rights — up from 62 million in 2020 and 52 million in 2016. But the group says one-third of them aren’t a lock for Biden. In the six key swing states, hundreds of thousands are “at risk of not voting,” and another group of hundreds of thousands of voters are what HRC refers to as “double doubters” who will likely defect to a third party, according to data HRC shared with NBC News.

To the extent that such a thing as an “equality voter” — as in, an individual who “votes based on support for LGBTQ rights” as a first-order priority — exists in reality, they are an infinitesimally tiny fraction of the electorate per polling, and they’re already concentrated in deep blue areas. In other words, this money is entirely wasted if the premise that it’s supposed to benefit the Brandon construct’s re-election bid is taken at face value…

…Which it absolutely shouldn’t be.

This is primarily, if not entirely, about enriching the consultant and NGO activist class by taking (extorting) cash from corporations — including Amazon, Google, and Pfizer (which itself has a vested, incestuous interest in the pharmaceutical profiteering that underpins the transgender/transhuman movement — and well-meaning retarded liberal donors and funneling it to themselves.

If any of this has any marginal effect on the election, that’s not something the HRC would scoff at, but it’s by no means the organization’s main motivation, just as it’s not helping LGBTQ™ individuals who don’t have the good fortune to be members of the ruling class.

Meanwhile, north of the border, one step ahead in the descent into techno-queer corporate feudalism, effeminate Xi Jinping sidepiece Justin Trudeau announced a $100 million-plus cash bonanza funneled from state coffers into social engineering NGO hands for worldwide gender-bending projects to psychologically and chemically wreck what’s left of the world that hasn’t full-throatedly embraced transgenderism as the essential human rights issue of our time.

Via Natural News (emphasis added):

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently confirmed via the release of his "Canada's 2024 Budget" that his government will be allocating CA$150 million ($110 million) of taxpayer dollars to promote LGBT ideology at home and abroad and to expand equity groups in the workforce to include people who identify as 2SLGBTQI+ or "two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex,” as well as “additional so-called sexually and gender diverse people."

"Following the recommendations of the Task Force, Budget 2024 announces the government’s intention to propose legislative amendments to modernize the Employment Equity Act, including by expanding designated equity groups," the budget stated, adding that Trudeau intends to spend the $110 million over the next 10 years, with the possibility of allocating even more taxpayer dollars should his government remain in power.


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